Well Hello There Fellow Technicians And Hivers!
A Pre Section.
Well as most would know it has been some time since my last legitly technical post, the reason for this is simple! Things have been hella hectic on my side in all fields! Life! Work! And Educational! I've had a rollercoaster two months but that fortunately is behind me!
That means I can turn my attention to the things that I like! Writing some stuff up here on Hive! So I want to say IM BACK! At-least for the next week I'll be back! Minus the coming Tuesday! I'm once again going to head out of town!
But let's dive in!
This Is What We Mean To Try And Solve!
Yeahp you might have seen these before and here's the thing we have a hundred of these stacked up on each other, each with different problems!
Now they aren't exactly fully buggered up, most of them have an issue here and an issue there! What we want to do is try and see if we can't starting making them like new and selling them as refurbished second hands!
It is a bit of a process!
A Slight Problem With This One!
As you can see we bag and tag em! Yeahp!
Otherwise how the hell are you going to remember said problem with each one out of a stack of a hundred? Not likely! NOT LIKELY!
Heck we can barely keep track when we've got five of them on the table!
The problem with this one is that it bumps from 4th to 5th gear and back from 5th to 4th gear!
Let's get it open and see what we find!
Evidently Clear!
It certainly is clear that this valve body was fitted into a truck recently or well might not have been recently but it did get a fresh build with new oil, we likely swapped it out again with one that was rebuilt!
See whenever a truck comes in there are things that can't be confirmed until the transmission was rebuilt, it might have one problem or two problems... Maybe more.
So we always clean and test the valve body after the rebuild.
This one was a failure hence the clean oil and it being on the shelf!
Now I've got to get the magnifying glass!
Laughs there use to be a time where I take photos of where all the pressure balls were and all that, now I know them by heart. At-least on this valve body!
Testing The Play Travel On The Pistons!
Now this isn't exactly the perfect science as this valve-body is not on operating temperature which means that they might move freely enough...
Once it gets heated up it will start to swell up and the conditions inside the chambers differs massively! So that is not the exact science! BUT if they give trouble here we might know that the body is buggered up nicely!
However we still need to pull out that looking glass!
A Spec Of Something!
Now that is not good, however it might not be that bad aswell, but a spec is a spec and these things don't like that!
However it might have come out of one of the solenoids which means we have a solenoid problem on it, that or the sleeves!
The Finer Details!
There's two things I notice here, one is a metal/aluminum shaving and the other on the left is a piece of clutch material!
Now the clutch material is obvious where it came from, the clutch packs and the metal shaving can either be from a clutch plate or from the cylinder sleeves!
What we're going to do since the pistons are still free running inside the sleeves we are going to get a solenoid kit and replace those and have a go at it again inside one of the trucks!
It really is a 50/50 now! I can't confirm this yet as we are going to have to order a solenoid kit! But hopefully it can fix it up good!
Now it's onto the next one!

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I have never worked on automatic gearboxes before but thanks for the informative post. they somehow seem less scary and imposing now. always worth it to learn something new. good job sir🫡
Thanks a lot bud! Stick around I will be sharing plenty of these in the future!!!
Working on automatics is what I do for a living! Have to say it is quite the entertainment and more than often a headache!!
I believe you man. had my fair share of fun as well with engines before😅. Looking forward to check your future posts!!