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RE: The cool me duing my teenage years

in Three Challenges5 months ago

Has anyone tried to copy/paste this post and pass it off as their own yet? That scam seems to have died down for you, or have I just been out of the loop again?

Anywhoodle, it's clear your youth was far different from mine. . . different to mine? That's the UK preference, right? I don't have a lot of pictures, and while my family moved from the Midwest to the Pacific Northwest in the US, the culture shock was not international. We kids were also homeschooled, so not a lot of the same school change shock most might experience in a move.


I've made sure all the posts from their farm are downvoted, looks like it's just the occasional ones now, it's less and less but they're still on my shit list. Thanks so much for asking.

Homeschooling must have been quite a different experience, but then if that's what you always did, I guess you don't have anything to compare. Did you go to college afterwards, what was that like?

I did attend public school briefly, but there wasn't the lack of social activity people assume. Church, homeschool group events, co-op classes, and so forth played a role. We even went skiing several times most winters with a group discount. If anything, homeschooling meant a more diverse age and cultural mix than the typical grade-segregated fixed-schedule school system.

I scored well on the SAT and ACT exams. No academic loss from unconventional education!

I also went to the local community college instead of just taking senior year classes at home. My entrance exam score earned me credit for English 101 and 102, and theoretically could have sent me straight to calculus, but I chose pre-calc to ensure I hadn't missed any trig or algebra concepts by skipping 12th grade math.

I think the homeschooling experience prepared me better for the more self-directed nature of college and independent lifelong learning.