Uric Acid Supplement Update

in Keto2 years ago

I have been reluctant to purchase a uric acid tester to track my levels. It's partly the cost of the device. And, it's mostly that I'll have to stick my fingers for blood. In the meantime, I have been keeping up with the regiment of:

  • chlorella
  • quercetin
  • luteolin
  • tart cherry extract
  • fish oil
  • vitamin c
  • vitamin d

The fish oil is for cholesterol. The vitamin D is to make up for working indoors.

In addition, I have been making it a habit to drink more water. Along with that, I have been less of a drinkie with the alcohol, particularly beer. I still have vino on the weekends. I'll start a bottle Friday evening and finish a second bottle Sunday evening.

Coffee is also suggested as a supplement to help reduce uric acid. It's likely what has prevented me from prematurely becoming diabetic. I have had a six-cup habit for many years.

I don't feel any overt difference, assuming the supplements are doing what they are intended. I have lost a bit of weight. I was up around 208 pounds when I started. I am now hovering at 200. But, I think part of this is that I have been drinking an Atkins shake for breakfast with a second for lunch. For supper, I eat why my family is having.

Weekends are a bit tougher as there is social expectation to share meals.

I have not committed to an exercise regimen other than the walking around my job requires.