I am active keto
Greetings to this small but very important community Keto Diet, I really wanted to share with you, since I am KETO ACTIVE two years ago, and I want to tell you my experience, recipes, dietary tips and what I have learned in my diet change and how it changed my life, I will have time to continue retro feeding me from this group, which apparently has many interesting things, for now I share three keto dishes that surely will please you and certainly fit the ketoalimentacion.
Saludos a esta pequeña pero muy importante comunidad Dieta ceto, tenía muchas ganas de compartir con ustedes, ya que soy KETO ACTIVA hace dos años, y quiero contarles mi experiencia, recetas, tips alimenticios y lo que he aprendido en mi cambio de alimentación y como cambiado mi vida, ya tendré tiempo de seguir retro alimentándome de este grupo, que por lo visto tiene muchas cosas interesantes, por ahora les comparto tres platillos keto que seguramente les agradara y sin duda se ajustan a la ketoalimentacion.
I am a lover of good food, and who is not? I like to cook, my mother was an excellent cook and my sister inherited those gifts, I defend myself on the stove (ovens) I cooked these three dishes, in different times and places, I prepared them from the parameters of keto, high in protein, healthy fats and low in carbohydrates, we can consume in a keto way with great flavor, a lot of variety and with a lot of food, soon I will share recipes and other content in favor of the keto diet, these dishes are: beef, boiled eggs and stir-fry zucchini, pumpkin cream with sautéed seeds and lastly almond flour pancakes with egg, and for decoration it has grated coconut and strawberries I hope you like it, thanks for the space to share and for the support.
¿Soy amante de la buena comida, y quien no? me gusta cocinar, mi mama era excelente cocinera y me hermana heredo esos dones, yo me defiendo en los fogones (hornos) estos tres platillos los cociné yo, en tiempos y lugares distintos, los elabore desde los parámetros de keto, alto en proteína, grasas saludables y bajo en carbohidratos, podemos consumir de forma keto con gran sabor, mucha variedad y con mucha carga alimenticias, próximamente les compartiré recetas y otros contenidos a favor de la dieta keto, estos platos son: carne de res, huevos sancochados y salteado de calabacín, crema de auyama con semillas salteadas y por ultimo panquecas de harina de almendras con huevo, y de decoración tiene coco rallado y fresas espero les agrade, gracias por el espacio para compartir y por el apoyo.
How is your keto effort going? What challenges are you having?
I have been establishing a ketogenic lifestyle for two years, with its ups and downs but with many goals for this next year regarding food, and knowledge about it, and I will buy from them in the keto diet community.😄@shainemata Greetings, sorry for responding so late, I just returned from a short vacation, and connecting to the hive again.