davidlionfish cross-posted this post in Dungeons and Dragons 5 years ago

Fantasy Name Generator - Heros, Villains and Everything In Between

in The Ink Well5 years ago


Fantasy Name Generator - Heros, Villains and Everything In Between

Fantasy Name Generator is a resource that helps writers in choosing names when developing their stories. Names fall under the following categories:

  • Fantasy Names
  • Place Names
  • Real Names
  • Other Names
  • Descriptions
  • Pop Culture

Under ther other names generator, there are a meriad of names to choose from. For example, there names for airships, constellations, guilds, spells, herbs & spices,alchemy ingredients, etc. In effect, the generators serve as good resources that aid in the process of world building.

As an added bonus, there is also a search option available to help in quickly finding useful names. The site also supports English, French and Spanish languages.

You can find Fantasy Name Generator here.