후오비의 스팀 증인 투표 철회

in SCT.암호화폐.Crypto5 years ago (edited)

Source : pixabay

암호화폐 거래소 후오비가 Community Counts: A Letter To The Steem Community 을 통해 스팀 커뮤니티의 피드백을 반영해 앞선 투표의 철회를 결정했습니다.

후오비 측은 "스팀 네트워크에 문제가 발생하기 전 스팀잇과 트론 측은 우리에게 협조를 요청해왔고, 스팀 네트워크에 보안 리스크가 발생한다면 이는 후오비 사용자들의 자산을 위협하는 문제로 직결될 것이라, 이를 방지하기 위해 투표에 참여했다. 당시 후오비는 스팀잇과 트론에 의견을 같이 하는 게 스팀 네트워크 전반에 더 도움이 될 것이라고 판단했었다. 결국 후오비는 모든 투표권을 커뮤니티에게 반환하기로 결정했으며, 커뮤니티를 지지할 것"이라고 설명했습니다.

다음은 내용 전문입니다.

Dear Steem Community,
From time to time, Huobi stakes user holdings to help block malicious activities and attacks on blockchain networks. Prior to this particular event, Steemit and Tron had reached out to seek our support.
We were informed that the Steem network was at immediate risk of an attack, an issue that directly impacts our users’ assets. We take all allegations seriously, so we worked with both teams to better understand the situation and carefully assess the risk at hand. Based on the information provided to us and out of an abundance of caution, we decided that helping Steemit and Tron was in the best interest of our users — and the network at large.
However, this action is not final. It has always been our intention to return voting rights back to the community so they can make the final decision on what the network needs. Thus we have removed the vote and will always stand behind the decisions of our users.
During our six years in operations, Huobi has worked with countless projects to ensure the safety of their networks, and our users. Hacks were rampant in the early days of blockchain, so our policy of staking voting rights (when deemed necessary to protect our users) was adopted to ensure the welfare of the broader crypto ecosystem.
In an effort to provide our users and the wider blockchain community with more transparency, Huobi will implement a new procedure to alert users of actions related to the staking of voting rights.
The Huobi Team

Huobi Global Medium, Community Counts: A Letter To The Steem Community

후오비의 투표 철회로 상위권 증인에 기존 증인들이 4명 배치되었습니다. 일방적이던 상황에서 변화가 있었는데, 앞으로 어떤 변화가 있을지 더 지켜봐야겠습니다.

  • 과연 기존 증인은 몇 자리나 차지할 수 있을까요?

즐거운 하루 보내세요 ^^


힘의 균형이 이뤄지길..

블록체인의 탈중앙화에 맞게 힘이 잘 분배되면 좋겠어요 ㅎ

here to help restore the decentralization of Steem.The Steem blockchain is currently being attacked by a central authority in order to take control of the witnesses. If you are not managing your witness votes, please consider setting @berniesanders as your witness voting proxy by clicking