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RE: This is called the HIVE AirDrop Exclusion List. (HIVE 에어드랍 제외 대상 목록이라고 합니다.)

Even if hardfork 0.22.2 freezes certain accounts, @proxy.token tried to stay neutral. @proxy.token voted on both sides.

@proxy.token tried to make a conversation with Tron and steem witnesses. You can look at SCT discord. Anybody can watch the conversation.

Why do you blame Korean and @proxy.token?

Hive will have a plan to freeze certain accounts that have different opinion from hive's opinion..
I am really disappointed.


No one is freezing any funds on Hive.

And please Google meaning of the word "neutral".

Neutral would have been not voting at all. They were not neutral.

Voting for enough witnesses that neither side could istitute a hard fork is one of the most neutral things somebody could do.

No it is not. It's playing sides.

Not voting for anyone has the same effect if neutrality was the goal. It was not.

Not voting for anyone would have let the chain get taken over by who ever had the greater cash flow. Which probably would have been sun with the help of the exchanges

Again, thanks to votes from SCT and the rest of the korean community neither side could have made a move.

Witness votes are not a one shot deal so choosing to not vote is not the same as voting for both sides.

So shooting at both sides is neutrality? Tell it to Switzerland, who remained neutral in WWII.

proxy.token was extorting both sides, a hostile act against both sides. We left, and now proxy.token is where Sun Yuchen wants it.


Yes preventing either side from hard forking is neutrality. Trying to make a point here? Locking down both sides is not a hostile act dog fucker.

Do not refer to your sexual predelictions again.

Trying to support both sides can also be counted as not taking sides; ergo basically neutral.

Helping maintain centralization on the chain is in no way neutral.

Helping to maintain centralization on the chain would be voting for 17+ tron witnesses. What they did is prevent either side from acting and tried to encourage conversation.

They did not encourage conversation. They made a list of demands.

What demands?

No downvotes, quick powerdown, etc.

Why argue about something you know nothing about?

Stop wasting our time and do the research to have an informed opinion.

Sun Yuchen was attempting to take over Steem. In that conflict, proxy.token voters voted for both sides, harming both sides. That is not remaining neutral, which would be abstaining from voting.

That was attacking both sides.

During WWII Switzerland was neutral. Swiss soldiers did not attack Nazis and Allies equally. They attacked neither side. That is actual neutrality.

Proxy.token voters extorted both Sun Yuchen and the Steem community, actively voting against both parties. I recommended not doing that in a post regarding proxy.token voting.

The only complaint you have against Hive is that Hive didn't give you free tokens. Why should Hive give you free tokens after you committed your SP to voting for socks of Sun Yuchen? Should we enable you to do that here by giving you free tokens to do that with?

Don't be silly. If you want free tokens, ask Sun Yuchen for them. Hive has availed a mechanism for appeals of those that did not get Hive tokens airdropped, the HPS. Why are you whining like beggars for them instead of using the HPS to formally request them?

Have you no self respect?