People are always looking for new and better smartphone apps to enrichen their lives. That's right, enrichen isn't a word, I'm getting a red underline. Of course I knew that. I found this word in an app called Words That Look Like They Exist And Make You Doubt Your Vocabulary Rather Than Question The Validity Of The Author's Credibilty. That's right, credibility isn't...oh wait it is, I'm getting a red line this time because of some grammar issue instead. So without further ado, here are the top 10 best...oh wait, this isn't a listicle.
Sorry for destroying your image.
Literally and figuratively.
for diary writers
Grid Diary
This app has boxes with questions. You fill those questions. I mean, boxes.
What's revolutionary about that?
Apparently those questions are "positive psychology based". They make you feel nice about yourself. And your miserable life...
I myself wrote a lot of words before giving up entirely on it like I usually do with many things.
Look at that! No not the Current Streak, the Longest Streak. 21 days! And 39547 characters. Do you know how many words that is? A lot more than some images uploaded here earning $20 I'll tell you. Oh god I'm gonna get ambushed by photographers the next time I'm walking down an alley way amn't I? What the, no red underline for amn't I? Oh, now it's showing.
Is that a random word I happened to use grammatically right the first time around? Jeez, if only my guesswork, I mean calculative selection of which shitcoins to invest into were this coincidentally right all the time. Kidding, I have no money to invest.
Right, so where were we?
Yeah, Grid Diary makes you write a lot without knowing. I feel like this is a great setup for a punchline about somebody scamming you, but I'm too dumb about financials to think up that level of a joke. I request someone from Leo Finance to do so instead. No! This isn't a joke about the hack that happened...oh god, I'm getting ambushed by Leo hodlers after I get ambushed by photographers in that alley way aren't I?
This is a cool app. You just write 1 line. Or you can write 2 if you're an overachiever like me. Check out the images posted by the developers to see what I imagine is a stalker's diary. The app looks cool doesn't it?
I was gonna try this after abandoning Grid Diary but at this point I'm questioning is this all even needed?
While I'm wondering about existential diary writing issues, let's move on to cool apps for...well, it's for diary writers again, but others can enjoy it too.
for diary writers but others can enjoy it too
What's that? I messed up my center code? That's because I'm using MessagEase to type this.
If you thought "boy if only I had..." uh, what's that word, "...dyslexia..." ? " would've been fantastic"
Don't worry no more, get messagease. Just trying to enter its name on Playstore I broke my fingers.
So this keyboard's creators used some advanced scientific stuff to mess up the keyboard. Check out the images on their page. It's arranged in such a way that the most used characters are easiest to reach. If you're a tap-tap typer, try switching to this keyboard. I guess it'll work out cool.
I'm not sure I'll be using it because I'm a swiper. Which brings us to...
Double finger swiping baby! That's right.
But you won't find this app on Playstore, it's been discontinued. Go hunt it down.
And the video isn't about KeyMonk either, but that's how KeyMonk kinda is like.
Sadly Nintype's creator probably abandoned the app on Playstore, it's called Keyboard 69 there. Hope they return. People all over have been requesting the developer to open-source its code, but there hasn't been a response in a long time.
The next app I was looking to try is Fleksy. It's supposed to be the most lightweight keyboard or something.
is comedy open mic coming back? hmmmmm