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RE: Oops, posted it twice. Been too long...Thought I Would Say "Hello"

in TheTerminal3 years ago

Yeahhhhh another blog its been way to long and the twice posting is forgiven hahahaha
Love the quilts, i am remodelling the room i can sew in , too, will show it when its finished and maybe i will try to do a quilt like yours.
Tha baby is beautiful and i love that he makes you happy again.
Hope the house will be yours, talk soon



Hello my sweet friend! Oh, I have missed you all more than you will know. I have talked with Scott and decided to give this a try again at least once a week.

We are trying to get ourselves back out into the world with our travels. I am missing writing about all that we do.

Love you lots and can't wait to see more of what you are doing.

I hope travelling will be on the agenda for you aswell, but first the house, lets hope that will work out soon, love the new place
Hugs for scott