Community Celebration: The Terminal

in TheTerminal3 years ago (edited)

This post is my entry for the Community Celebration Challenge which is due by Friday, February 11th 12:00 hours noon UTC. In this entry, I am celebrating The Terminal Community. The challenge is an activity of the Community Celebration Week 2022, which runs during the following week, from Sunday the 13th of February to Saturday the 19th of February.

Community Celebration: The Terminal.

Introducing The Terminal community.

Let me start with quoting how The Terminal Community introduces themselves to new Hiveans, when they join the Discord server there. I can't word it any better than they already have – anything that I add here pales by comparison. This is a standard welcome message, which is sent manually by any of the server staff, using a Discord Custom Command script from the Accord...

The primary goal of TheTerminal is to answer questions about Hive, cryptocurrency, and Discord. Our team is spread worldwide in many timezones for helping answer questions all day, every day. Founded in December of 2018, we aim to help folks learn the etiquette and workings of the blockchain, grow their accounts, and find communities where they can thrive. We are like a travel terminal for destinations on the blockchain!

That really sums up The Terminal Community nicely. In the real world, you would seldom visit a travel terminal, unless you were en route to another destination, or were buying tickets to go somewhere else later. The analogy fits perfectly for The Terminal Community.

However, as with the eponymous movie, The Terminal, starring Tom Hanks, some people have reason to remain in a travel terminal for longer than just transiting through it. Of course, there are the travel terminal staff, who keep the place running. There are those who just can't find a better place to be, at the time, so they remain where they are, soaking up the atmosphere as travellers come and go. There are the "greeters", who find their joy in welcoming new people, regardless of where they came from originally. There are the independent travel guides, who may be representing another Community or Tribe entirely, but it is convenient for them to direct the vast amount of foot traffic traversing through the travel terminal, towards their specific destination, by lurking here. Then there are the Hare Krishna's, whose only purpose in the travel terminal is to hand out free flowers and wish the travellers well. A real world travel terminal has all of these people and more, visiting regularly. So it is with The Terminal Community here on the HIVE social blockchain.

Why I love The Terminal community.

The Terminal Community is a vibrant, active place, where you can always get solid, dependable answers to your questions about the HIVE social blockchain, about cryptocurrency trading in general, and about using Discord for instant messaging with other Hiveans.

There is plenty of general banter here, some good-natured ribbing, and long-term friendships are often forged here. After finding the main HIVE Discord server, the next place that many new Hiveans are often pointed to is The Terminal Community. That is definitely how it went for me, when I returned to the social blockchain after a long absence of about three years.

While many other Communities and Tribes are trying their hardest to attract more members, to bolster their ranks, The Terminal Community expends a lot of their effort in actively pointing new Hiveans onwards to other Communities and Tribes. The atmosphere here is very different to most other Communities and Tribes on the social blockchain. The staff are welcoming to everyone, no matter their experience level on the social blockchain. Their greatest achievements come from seeing new Hiveans settled on the HIVE social blockchain, in a Community or Tribe that best suits their needs, and most of the time that isn't The Terminal Community itself. However, with such a pleasant and welcoming attitude here, many such new Hiveans will return often to The Terminal Community to visit, again and again, even once they are fully established in another Community or Tribe, and they are welcomed warmly. There is a real sense of "family" here, with the regulars, and those who drop in every now and then to say "hi!"

This is why I love The Terminal Community so much. It is easy-going, casual, and yet it is very well run and organised. There are community guidelines that everyone is expected to abide by, and they are very straightforward and sensible. The main thing that may sometimes catch new Hiveans unawares is that, if you promote your post in the server, you must also support another, previously submitted post from the same Discord channel.

How you can join The Terminal community.

Make sure that you are logged in to Discord, then click on the invite here, to the left. At first you will only be able to see a few channels, such as the "Welcome" channel, where you can introduce yourself to The Terminal staff. You will also see the "Introductions" channel, where you can introduce yourself to the rest of The Terminal Community, and send a link to your most recent post, or to your original #introduceyourself post, on the social blockchain. Once those simple steps are complete, a staff member will allow you in to the rest of the server, and you can chat in the "General Chat" channel, and interact in many of the other channels as well.

To be able to access the post promotion channels, so that you can send links to promote posts on the social blockchain (whether they be your own or someone else's post), you will first need to get permission from a staff member of The Terminal. They will make sure first that you understand the policy here, that you must support one other post that was sent by someone else in the same channel, before you can send a link yourself. Such support generally includes upvoting and, preferably, commenting on the content of the post that you are supporting. Also, to retain your post promotion privileges, you will need to chat occasionally in the "General Chat" channel. There is a **Discord** bot which checks your activity level, and if you haven't posted in the "General Chat" channel for a while, you will lose your post promotion privileges automatically. You can always become active in the server again later, and ask a staff member for your post promotion privileges to be reinstated. Remember, every link you drop in a post promotion channel in the server must be paired with your support for another person's post that is already linked to in the channel.

There are lots of fun activities happening in The Terminal Community's server. There are contests to enter, bot games to play, and a Meeting Room where the staff will sometimes run an airdrop or some other instant-prize giveaway. Get some tasty Hive Pizza, or other such level 2 tokens.


HIVE Discord server, for pointing me towards The Terminal Community. I have grown substantially in my understanding of this new social blockchain, and the changes from the legacy blockchain, since arriving here.I would like to take this opportunity to thank @melinda010100 and the team in the main

I would also like to thank the staff of The Terminal Community, including @thekittygirl, @jamerussell, @wesphilbin, @brittandjosie, @stayten, @justclickindiva, who have all contributed in various ways to my growth within the community, and on the wider social blockchain, since my return this year.

Furthermore, there are many "regulars" of the community who I also would like to thank, for their input into my growth here on HIVEmondoshawan (who doesn't like to be pinged), and many others. You have all contributed to my experience so far in The Terminal Community, and I appreciate each and every one of you. and within this fabulous community. They include such figures as @pravesh0, @be-alysha, @drabs587, @khoola, @beeber, @queenstarr, @zakludick, @bambukah, @jerrytsuseer, @mhel, @yaziris, @trippymane, @blitzzzz, @piratethanos, @mythcrusher, @khaleesii, @adalger, @sketchygamerguy,

Image Credits

  1. post-head.png@pantone801; with a cropped copy of a single frame from community_celebration_theterminal.gif (see below), and various "fair use" software and HIVE community and tribe logos. – Remix created by @frittro, using elements by
  2. community_celebration_theterminal.gifWikimedia Commons, the free media repository. Retrieved 03:29, February 8, 2022 from Wikimedia Commons. This remix also makes "fair use" of various user avatars, as lifted directly from the Discord interface. I make no claim of ownership to them, and they are used here for representative purposes only. – Remix created by @frittro, using File:Air New Zealand Koru Club Wellington1.jpg. (2020, October 10).
  3. Various "fair use" organisation and company logos, including Hive, Discord, etc.
  4. discord_invite_theterminal.png – A screenshot from the Discord interface.
  5. maori-divider.png – Original image by @pantone801. Remix created by @frittro.
  6. frittro-maori-footer.png@pantone801; and the Silver Bloggers logo by mondoshawan. – Remix created by @frittro, using elements by

A great tribute to The Terminal and the wonderful folks there. I am so glad we first met up in the Ecency Discord and that I knew that the Terminal would be the place for you to ask the questions that you had about Hive!

Oh, that was in the ecency_18px.png Ecency Discord server? I knew that it was you who pointed me toward The Terminal, but I thought that had happened in the main HIVE Discord server. I'm old and forgetful these days. I tried searching the Discord history, but obviously I couldn't find the specific message, as I was searching in the wrong server, haha.

Yeah, I'm most always at Ecency Discord if you ever need to find me! 😉

Aww 😊you didn't need to mention me but thank you. I enjoyed our chats at our discord channel. You are doing awesome connecting to the community.

No, no, you deserve the mention. Your interactions with me and with others in The Terminal have been exemplary. Being on the Autism Spectrum myself, I often look to others to see how best to interact in certain circumstances, as social interaction does not come naturally to us "auties" as it does to neurotypical people. I have to work harder at it than most, and your example has been hugely influential in my time here so far. Thanks for that. 👍

Awee thank you for the mention Fritto Sir.
You're such a valuable member with excellent style of communication and presentation. I admire your zeal and commitment too, what a comeback... topnotch🤩
Glad to have met you via the terminal❤️

(p.s I'm not in the cover picture😢hurt
All good ayye😂)
Much love to you Fritto and wifey❤️🤗

"p.s I'm not in the cover picture😢hurt"

You're right, I don't see you in the post thumbnail image. I can explain though. As I was creating the picture, I was going down through the list of members of The Terminal in order, so I got the "hoisted" ones first, then those who were active online at the time, then I was going through the offline members in alphabetical order. I ran out of "bodies" in the background image to add "heads" to, long before I got to the letter "Q". Your omission wasn't personal, it is just my logical Aspie way of doing things that caused the omission, haha. Of course, if you had've been active online at the time when I was creating the pic, you would have been temporarily hoisted in the list, and I would have seen you earlier.

😅Ah its fine really, yes you're right and you did the right thing.
Love the banner, I'd make use of it in my post.

Thank you for mentioning me!

The Terminal, to understand some of the newer features of Hive that I wasn't familiar with from my experience of the legacy social blockchain, from when I was here three years ago. I appreciate your level-headed input and advice.Thanks @khoola, you were instrumental in helping me in my first few days in

Ghad, that is too much praise... but thank you :)

wow, this is a nice Community Celebration: The Terminal.I liked the post very much. Good luck

splinterlands_roundal_18px.png Splinterlands artwork. That's cool! When I was last on the social blockchain, some three years ago, I participated in a lot of splinterlands_roundal_18px.png SplinterlandsHeya @sralim, thanks for dropping by. I just had a quick look at your blog here, and I see that you are into some artwork competitions. In fact, there was a competition similar to this #CommunityCelebration one, and for that one I made this...


As you can see, that was three years ago now, when the game's name was different, haha.


Thank you for the mention @fritto, I am happy and gratified that I made such a positive impression and helped with your experience in the Terminal

Thanks so much, Jerry. You certainly have made a positive impression as I've been finding my way within The Terminal, and the wider HIVE community. You are definitely a role model within our community, and I aspire to the greatness that you seem to have achieved here. It was evident from my very first steps in The Terminal Discord server that, although I don't think you are considered "staff" there, you definitely have the highest respect of many in the community.

Garsh! You're making me blush ☺️

Lovely post as usual @frittro. Appreciate the shoutout mate!

@theterminal is such a lovely place!


Ps. Linking to someone's profile in a post pings them too

"Ps. Linking to someone's profile in a post pings them too"

Oh no! I even did it exactly the way that I was told to, this time, to avoid pinging Mondoshawan / Dude. I just can't catch a break with this issue. I'm trying to do the right thing here, and to credit my sources. But what if my sources just don't want to be credited? On the one hand, I don't want to annoy Mondoshawan / Dude. But on the other hand, I don't want to incur the wrath of HiveWatchers etc, for not crediting my sources properly! The rules of this particular competition clearly state...

"Cite all images used, even from free sources"

...and that is all that I'm trying to do here. Maybe @GuiltyParties can give me some advice on this?

What a wonderfully written piece about TheTerminal! I liked how you described the different people in the server, and how our "vibe" is different, by design, from many other communities. Thank you for this great review! 💜

"kittypedia", haha. You are also a very talented artist, and I really respect that. Thanks so much for all that you do in The Terminal, and in the wider HIVE social blockchain.Aww @thekittygirl, you have been such a wonderful help to me since I came back to the social blockchain. You provide great advice, and I can see how you earned your nickname,


Thanks for the $ᴩɪᴢᴢᴀ and $ʟᴜᴠ, KittyGirl. I appreciate it.

The terminal is such a beautiful community and I advise all newbies/hivers to join it.

The Terminal are always so positive and uplifting. You bring an extra dose of joy with you whenever you are in the "General Chat" channel there. Thanks for that!Thanks for the comment, @khaleesii. Your interactions in

Thank you so much, this makes me happy.

Thanks for the mention, you have become a vital member of the family. It was nice to meet you in TT discord. 🤗

Nice to meet you too. You have been influential in my growth here on the social blockchain, and I really appreciate having you around. I saw in the General Chat channel of The Terminal, you said recently that you've been "busy with life" lately. We all get that way sometimes. Why does real life always have to interrupt things?! 😆

!PIZZA !PGM !hivebits

I love the terminal full of great people always willing to help and teach us newbies and a great place to meet new folk on HIVE as well as a place for a lot of the OGs here.

Thanks for the shoutout and awesome graphic 😀

Here is some !PIZZA

The Terminal. You helped me feel welcome there, right from the start. Thanks!Thanks @drabs587, you were one of the first people to greet me in

That is an awesome write up on what the Terminal is about. I have not heard of it, and shall be exploring! Thank you for this.

Silver Bloggers community, too. We'd love to see you in The Terminal at some time. All the best for your entry in this event!Thanks for the comment. I enjoyed reading your #CommunityCelebration post about the

Oh I shall make a point of it soon!

Hello @frittro. What a lovely tribute. How clever to replace the faces. I love it. Yes, the Terminal is one of a kind. I'm happy to be associated with it.

Thanks for sharing this. Take care.

The Terminal. Thanks for your kind comment.Thanks for that, @justclickindiva. I got the inspiration for this image from something that I had seen elsewhere, off-chain, so I won't take the credit for the concept itself. But I'm glad that you liked my interpretation of it for

Excellent post @frittro, I loved the analogy with the Tom Hanks movie, although I'm still a bit lost in the world of Hive. I understood what you wanted to explain with the friends of The Terminal. They are really an excellent team. I really enjoyed reading your post.

The Terminal does well in this competition, and in the upcoming Community Celebration Week 2022, which starts in just a couple of days now.Thank you for the comment, @marbrym. I was thinking of expanding more on the analogy with the Tom Hanks movie, but maybe there will be time for that during the festivities next week. I do hope that

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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Hive Power Up Month - Feedback from February day 5
Hive Power Up Month challenge - Feedback from February day 3
Our Hive Power delegations to the last Power Up Month challenge Winners


PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
yaziris tipped frittro (x1)
drabs587 tipped frittro (x1)
be-alysha tipped frittro (x1)
(1/5) @thekittygirl tipped @frittro (x1)

Join us in Discord!

Yay, thanks everyone for all the lovely $ᴩɪᴢᴢᴀ. Yum! 😋

EBay a schout ou and the fact that you do scribe the method and out way of entering with the introduction is way cool. Thank you and you are a wirlwind in chat that engages much and that’s what we like.
Happy Wednesday

"EBay a schout ou and the fact that you do scribe the method and out way of entering with the introduction is way cool."

Sorry, I did not understand this part of your message. Can you possibly translate it into English for me? I don't even know what language that is, or what this has to do with EBay. I'm confused. 🤷

Oh lord that what happens when I reply when my eyes are just opened.

Thank you for the shout out
And the fact you disscribe the method and our way of entering with the introduction to our discord is way cool

Note to me : wake up first , don’t be excited and press post 😉

Haha, nice. I thought you had invented some new language, hybridised with English, lol.