Mental Health and Passive Suicide Ideation - Video of the Day

I watch a lot of mental health videos to help my personal healing journey and this one popped onto my "suggested videos" section on YouTube. I felt it was super important to share with others who might need it.

We live in a bizarre world right now - full of insecurity, whether it's about Covid and future pandemics, the war in the Ukraine, politics or whatever, there are lots of things to be depressed about.

But when you reach the level of wanting to fall asleep and not wake up again, it's an internal cry for help. I know that I've sometimes felt this way and would bet that some of my readers feel that way too - maybe right now.

Watch and learn from Dr. Scott Eilers as he explains further:

As usual, I'm simply sharing a YouTube video - all rights remain with the original uploader.

Previous Videos of the Day

Lori Svensen
author/designer at A'mara Books
photographer/graphic artist for Viking Visual
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