
This is the introduction section for our (for now) humble community. You can introduce yourself how you please, but this is our recommendation if you want a higher chance of upvotes:

Be sure to include roughly how long you've been playing, your current rank (if you play ranked - and this is optional), your past ranks (and the seasons in which you attained them - optional), your main role(s), and your champ mains(favorite champions). You can put in paragraph form if you want to also talk a little about yourself (encouraged!), but a simple list is fine. I'll show both ways, below:

List Form:

How long I've been playing: 4 years
Current Rank: Bronze I
Past Rank: Silver IV (Season 9)
Main Role(s): Top, Jungle
Main Champs: Illaoi, Rumble, Darius, Zac, Elise, Fiddlesticks

Paragraph Form:

Hey, I'm @jenkinrocket and I've been playing League for about 4 years (I've had an account for longer, but would usually only play a couple times a month previously). I can consistently get to Silver now, but am hoping to break Gold by the end of next season. Slowly but surely, am I right?

My main roles are top and jungle. Top because it's the role that feels closest to a proper duel and has the least amount of distraction. Jungle for almost the exact opposite reason, with ability to change the fate of any lane and the game as a whole with strategic macro.

Been hitting Illaoi pretty hard for the last couple seasons, but old favorites that I've been returning to lately include Zac and Rumble. Elise and Fiddlesticks are relatively new additions to the roster. I picked Elise up about a year and a half ago, and I started taking Fidd seriously after the rework. The newest addition to my champ pool is Darius (though he gets banned a lot -_-).

Started this place so I could hang out with other League enthusiasts and maybe get better at the game and learn some things (maybe teach a few? we'll see).


Hello i am new to this app and wanted to ask if there is still active ppl in this community