The great blue skimmer dragonfly is the macro image object I want to show today. I tried to shoot the focus of its face so that you could see the large and prominent compound eyes, the postclypeus, and anteclypeus (light blue color) which are located below the eyes and above the jaw are also visible in detail.
The great blue skimmer is a dragonfly from the Libellula vibrans family. This is a mature skimmer in dark blue with black blend.
This species is found near lakes, ponds, and slow streams in the eastern United States and rarely in southern Ontario.
Abbott, John C. (2005). Dragonflies and Damselflies of Texas and the South-Central United States. Princeton University Press. p. 277.
If an entomologist like Abbott only found blue skimmers in Ontario, he may not have studied this dragonfly in Southeast Asia, because in Sumatra there are still so many species of blue skimmer dragonflies.
Capung skimmer biru besar, adalah objek gambar makro yang mau saya tampilkan hari ini. Saya berusaha menembak fokus wajahnya sehingga kamu bisa melihat mata majemuknya yang besar dan menonjol, postclypeus dan anteclypeus (warna biru muda) yang terletak di bawah mata dan di atas rahang juga terlihat dengan detil.
Skimmer biru besar adalah capung dari keluarga Libellula vibrans. Ini adalah skimmer dewasa berwarna biru tua dengan perpaduan warna hitam.
Spesies ini ditemukan di dekat danau, kolam, dan sungai kecil di bagian timur Amerika Serikat dan jarang di bagian selatan Ontario.
Abbott, John C. (2005). Dragonflies and Damselflies of Texas and the South-Central United States. Princeton University Press. p. 277.
Jika seorang entomologis seperti Abbott hanya menemukan skimmer di Ontario, boleh jadi dia belum pernah meneliti tentang capung ini di Asia Tenggara, karena di Sumatera spesies capung skimmer biru masih begitu banyak bisa ditemukan.
Camera | Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 Pro + Macro Lens |
Category | Macrophotography |
Processed | Adobe Lightroom |
Location | Lhokseumawe, Aceh, Indonesia |
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@akukamaruzzaman have a nice day
Excellent shots of a fascinating and beautiful creature.