
Posting di komunitas mana bang?

(Mass spam/fraud)


@hivewatcher I know @alexa-macro and @cincin-macro personally, but I don't know why they were given flags. But I suspect it happened because they published content on the Hive too quickly before first verifying their identity by posting self-introductions. And I just found out they have joined Hive in the last few days. Is it their unforgivable fault? please enlighten me. Thanks :)

Terimakasih telah membantu memberi kesaksian bang @akukamaruzzaman, Alhamdulillah setelah percakapan panjang mereka percaya pada saya :)

@alexa-macro, @cincin-macro, dan @linkar-photo, harus jadi catatan ke depan untuk kalian dan teman-teman lain. Bikin akun jangan mirip-mirip kali, semua pakek kata "macro/photo". Ya curiga lah orang lihatnya, tanggal bikin akunnya pun sama. Makanya sebelum posting konten ungkap dulu identitas diri dengan perkenalan/introduce :D Hive agak ketat untuk pendatang baru :)

Efek keseringan ngopi bareng, naik asam lambung. Efeknya daya cerna menurun.. :D

Akan jadi pelajaran berharga :)Siap bang @akukamaruzzaman

All accounts were re-activated or created at the same time. They all post identical descriptions and introductions.
I will remove the downvotes on this account.
The user has confirmed the ownership of these photos now, so the downvotes were retracted from this account