¿Conoces algún animal que se haga el muerto cuando se siente amenazado? Sí, seguramente has sabido de alguno. En lo personal sabía de la cucaracha, cuando la vemos tendida patas arriba pensamos que está muerta y no siempre es así, a veces usas esta estrategia para huir ilesa del lugar donde se siente amenazada.
Do you know any animals that play dead when they feel threatened? Yeah, I'm sure you've heard of one. Personally I knew about the cockroach, when we see it lying upside down we think it's dead and it's not always like that, sometimes you use this strategy to escape unharmed from the place where it feels threatened.
Es posible que esta familia de orden Blattodea de cuerpo aplanado provenga de donde provenga, actúe del mismo modo. La acción pude comprobarla desde mi propia experiencia.
It is possible that this order family Blattodea of flattened body comes from where it comes from, acts in the same way. The action I was able to verify from my own experience.
Hallé esta cucaracha de pintas negras en un trozo de metal, traté de moverla pero no reaccionaba, tomé una foto porque me pareció rara y cuando me descuidé voló dejándome sin ubicación visible.
I found this black painted cockroach on a piece of metal, I tried to move it but it didn't react, I took a picture because it looked weird and when I got careless it flew away leaving me with no visible location.
Cucaracha de Monte / Mountain Cockroach
En medio de un tronco deteriorado con los años se hospedan pequeños insectos familia de las cucarachas. Removí con un palito la hendidura en el tronco y de allí salió espantada una de ellas, cuando cayó al suelo se hizo la muerta, no se movía, al menos no lo hizo frente a la presencia del enemigo. La observé por un rato y al mantenerme estática, la cucaracha se bañó con algo de tierra, trataba de camuflarse entre hojas y tierra, me pareció muy inteligente de su parte asumir este comportamiento.
In the middle of a trunk that has deteriorated over the years, small insects of the cockroach family are housed. I removed with a little stick the fissure in the trunk and from there one of them came out scared, when it fell to the ground it played dead, it didn't move, at least it didn't face the presence of the enemy. I watched it for a while and as it remained static, the cockroach bathed itself with some earth, trying to camouflage itself between leaves and earth, it seemed to me very intelligent on its part to assume this behavior.
Luego le toco el turno a esta araña que se enrolla como una bolita cuando se siente amenazada. Algo muy extraño pasó con esta pequeña y causó mucha gracia. Se supone que su reacción sería envolverse en sí misma sin embargo, al sentirse amenazada se puso patas arriba haciéndose la muerta. Es decir, esta araña también utiliza la misma estrategia para defenderse.
Then it's the turn of this spider that rolls up like a little ball when it feels threatened. Something very strange happened to this little girl and it caused a lot of fun. It was supposed to react by wrapping itself around her, but when it felt threatened, it turned itself upside down and pretended to be dead. In other words, this spider also uses the same strategy to defend itself.
¿Han observado el mismo comportamiento en los grillos? Yo nunca hasta este día cuando vi al insecto en medio de la carretera, parecía estar muerto, tomé fotos, lo moví y me di por vencida, definitivamente, estaba muerto. Cuando seguí mi camino, saltó entre el monte buscado su aposento, el peligro había pasado.
Have you observed the same behavior in crickets? I never until this day when I saw the insect in the middle of the road, it seemed to be dead, I took pictures, moved it and gave up, it was definitely dead. When I continued on my way, it jumped into the bush looking for its room, the danger had passed.
Fascinating insects que saben cómo defenderse, salen del peligro sin estrés y continúan su camino para volver a su mundo natural.
Fascinating insects that know how to defend themselves, get out of danger without stress and continue their journey back to their natural world.
Fascinating insects that know how to defend themselves, get out of danger without stress and continue their journey back to their natural world.
As far as I can recognize, the beetle in the second picture should belong to the family Elateridae (often called 'click beetles') which are able to spring when lying on the back by using a special click mechanism.
Very good information of the link @jaki01. Just as it happened with en insecto, it clicked in one shot and left. I thought it was a cockroach because of its appearance, thank you very much for sharing, I am still learning. Best regards.
That is one of the aims of this community: to increase the knowledge about insects and arthropods. Nice to read that my comment was helpful!
Muy bueno este reporte. Había observado, más que todo, a las cucarachas, que uno las deja tontas y patas ariiba, y a la hora ya no están en el sitio.
ja,ja,ja si yo también maestro. Gracias por su agradable visita.