Well for someone who hardly ever took photos of insects this is fast becoming a new interest for me. I have to be honest and say I never really gave them a second glance but with more time on my hands and looking for something different to take pictures of critters found themselves in my radar.
When you get to see the complexity of some of these creatures, you start to see them in a new light. Today I bring you a jumping spider from the Philippines, they are very small and only when you take a macro shot do you get to see how amazing they are.
I've got my eyes on you.
This little chap was sat on the mirror of my motorbike, for me the photo is a double whammy because to the naked eye the texture of the black plastic is not really visible, it makes for a cool looking canvas.
Hairy little bugger.
Quite a challenge to take a photo of because these guys are fast movers and when faced with a camera up close they are not keen to hang around. I managed to capture a side view before it jumped off the mirror and scurried into a crack in the wall.
That's my good side.
Again shots were taken with my old Olympus TG4, I really need to carry my DSLR with me more often but the compact is so convenient. Thanks for crawling by and looking at my post, until next time stay safe folks!
Bugs and beasties are fascinating up close. They are much more complex than you might think. I recently learned that spiders move their legs by pumping blood around and that's why they curl up when they die.
I never knew that, you learn something new every day.
I didn't know about the blood/leg thing...I feel satisfied that today I learned some trivia that I will use again. :)
tokens.little furry creature! :)
Cool hey, you can't even see it's furry with the naked eye.
I can guess :)
There's something endearing and cute about jumping spiders
For sure, with a macro shot it's the first time I have seen them in detail.
I'd need a really big-ass long lens I reckon...Like a few metres or so...I'm not keen on spiders. Good snaps though.
These are tiny, so no real bother, not like some of the monsters we have here.
When I think spiders I think if the big bastards we get and stuff like the funnel web and stuff...Killers.
Me no likey.
But me likey your pictures.
I'm not a fan of them, we have a bird eating spider here about a foot across, not seen one yet and don't want to.
'nuff said.
BTW thanks for the hive I only noticed today, I have had a couple of weird days after getting seriously drunk the other day.
No worries, I thought it was odd you hadn't mentioned it.