The large bee-fly Bombylius major Dlouhososka Velká

Tento nápadný hmyz se objeví už brzy z jara a s tím svým dlouhým sosákem a způsobem letu je dost nápadný. Vznáší se kolem květů jako kolibřík, ale není ani zdaleka tak sympatický. No a když jsem se dočetl, že larvy cizopasí na včelách, tak už moje ani sympatie nezíská.

This conspicuous insect appears early in the spring and with its long sucker and flight pattern it is quite conspicuous. It floats around the flowers like a hummingbird, but it's not nearly as nice. And when I read that the larvae graze on bees, it don't get my sympathy anymore.
30.3.2019 Central Bohemia


That's right.
I often see that kind of thing during the flowering season, because I also live near the forest.

She looks beautiful even though the color is flashy.
They are also dangerous insects.
we have to be a little careful.