Rotrandbär ■ Clouded buff
Diacrisia sannio (Linnaeus, 1758)
Der Rotrandbär ist ein Nachtfalter aus der Familie der Bärenspinner (Arctiinae). Der Falter fliegt in Waldnähe auf Wiesen oder auch auf Waldlichtungen. Beobachten kann man ihn von Mai bis August in zwei Generationen. Der Falter ist Tag- und nachtaktiv. Gut sind bei meinem folgenden Bild die gekämmten Fühler des Männchens zu erkennen.
The Clouded buff is a moth from the family Arctiinae. The moth flies near forests in meadows or even in forest clearings. It can be observed from May to August in two generations. The moth is day and night active. The combed feelers of the male are well visible in my following picture.

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Das Weibchen legt seine Eier an an verschiedenen Pflanzen ab. In der Fachliteratur werden Labkraut (Galium spec.), Wegerich (Plantago spec.), Löwenzahn (Taraxacum sect. Ruderalia), Brennnessel (Urtica spec.) und Weidenröschen (Epilobium spec.) als Futterpflanze der Raupe genannt. Die Raupe überwintert in der Vegetation und verpuppt sich im Frühling.
The female lays her eggs on different plants. In the specialized literature, bedstraw (Galium spec.), plantain (Plantago spec.), dandelion (Taraxacum sect. Ruderalia), nettle (Urtica spec.) and willowherb (Epilobium spec.) are mentioned as forage plants for the caterpillar. The caterpillar hibernates in the vegetation and pupates in spring.

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Obwohl die Bestände zurück gehen, kann ich den Falter noch regelmäßig beobachten. Er ist auch ein regelmäßiger Gast an künstlichen Lichtquellen. Leider steht er auch schon auf der Vorwarnstufe der gefährdetet Arten in Deutschland.
Although the population is decreasing, I can still observe the butterfly regularly. It is also a regular guest at artificial light sources. Unfortunately it is already on the early warning level of endangered species in Germany.

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Günter Ebert: Die Schmetterlinge Baden Württembergs Band 5,
Nachtfalter III. Ulmer Verlag Stuttgart 1997
Manfred Koch: Schmetterlinge, 3. Auflage 1991
Category: | Macro |
Camera: | Panasonic Lumix DC-G9 |
Lens: | Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 60mm 1: 2.8 Macro |
Location: | Germany, Bavaria, Lower Franconia, Kreuzwertheim |
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Herzlichen Dank und viele Grüße vom @faltermann 🐛
If you like my contribution, I am looking forward to your message.
Many thanks and greetings from Germany 🦋

Really they are exceptional butterfly from the nature, like they wear gown as like king. Three photos are very different looking but same species and speciality about flying day and night.
Many thanks for your feedback!
Very pretty butterflies! Look at its wing-like the skirt.
Many moths have great colours and striking patterns on their wings. Unfortunately very few people get to see these beauties of the night.
I like this butterfly it is very beautiful. I saw one butterfly like this one but it is orange, red and yellow also brown.
In your area you will surely find many beautiful butterflies. I am glad about your interest in nature and especially in insects.
Warm greetings from Germany 😀
Schade das immer mehr Falter als gefährdet eingestuft werden.
Liebe Grüße Michael
Maßgebend verantwortlich für diese Situation, ist der zügellose Flächenfraß.
Vielen Dank für deine Nachricht 🦋
Very nice colours!
I'm glad you like my pictures. Thank you very much for your feedback!
your work is very beautiful, I envy you.
Many thanks for your feedback!
Its amazing capture sir
Thanks and greetings from Germany 😀
Toller Fund, es ist eine schöne Motte @faltermann
Herzlichen Dank für deine Nachricht 😀
@blocktrades I understand that you do not like butterflies. If this is the case, your downvote of -4,637 is justified. If you have other reasons or you don't like me as a content creator, let me know what moves you. You earned well when I swapped my steem in Hive at: So what's the problem?
I would be happy about your feedback!
There's a guy called haejin who's voting with a possibly stolen account called ranchorelaxo. He randomly votes up the top trending posts with 100% strength without reading them. I have a bot setup that does a lower value downvote to counter some of his upvote, so that trending posts don't get hugely overrewarded versus other posts.
I don´t like downvotes. Last week you even downvoted my post about a rare dragonfly in Germany without any explanation.
It's the same issue. The bot I have set up does a lower strength downvote to lower the outsized rewards from ranchorelaxo. If you check your post, I have no doubt you will find he was the main voter on the post.
Well, that explains everything. Thanks for your message!
toller Beitrag und tolle Fotos.
Mir ist heute dieser goldfarbene "Spanner" am Wegesrand untergekommen.
Doch trotz online Suche unter den Nachtfaltern und Eulen, wie auch den Spannern ist mir eine Zuordnung nicht gelungen.
Weißt Du um was für ein Exemplar es sich handelt?
Herzliche Grüße und ein
Ich bin mir bei diesem Falter wirklich nicht sicher. Wenn er zwischen 25-30 mm groß war, könnte es ein Rübsaatpfeifer (Evergestis extimalis) sein. Er gehört zur Familie der Zünsler (Pyralidae).
Your service ist great!
Thank you very much 😀
Glad to hear it :)
Hive on!
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thank you very much 🦋
@mima2606 denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!@mima2606 thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !
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