Can be seen, cannot be touched.

in Fascinating Insects4 years ago (edited)



Maybe some of us have experienced how the pain is in contact with a caterpillar, it is extraordinary the pain caused by a caterpillar, why do I say that, because I have experienced it.

So, for those of you who have never been in direct contact with a caterpillar, try not to try it, unless you wear protection such as gloves.

Why does hairy caterpillar itch

The cause of the itching we feel as a result of being touched by a hairy caterpillar is from the fine hairs that are all over the caterpillar's body and also the fine spines that coat the caterpillar's body. in these parts the caterpillars contain toxins which can also cause allergic reactions for some people who are touched by caterpillars, usually the areas that are often affected by caterpillars are hands, and accidentally.



