The life cycle of spiders


Hi good friends, I am very thankful for your love.Hope everybody is well.

Today I came before you with a familiar insect. I returned home after work last night. Just when I went to the washroom I saw a big spider. I immediately went to the room, took the Redmi 3s mobile phone and took some pictures. But seeing such a big spider, I got scared myself. Anyway, the topic of today's discussion is to give you some information about the spider and to tell you the life story of the spider.


Face Value of Spiders:

Spiders are invertebrate predators insect. It is an artichoke of the eight-legged Arachnida class. Their body is divided into two parts, the head and the torso, they have eight articulated legs and no wings. Their heads and chests together form the cephalothorax. A special feature of spiders is that they make nets and prey on other insects through the nets.

World - Animalia
Episode - Arthropoda


Discription about Spader's,

Spiders generally have low vision; Most spiders have four pairs of eyes on the front of their body, and these eyes are arranged differently in different tribes. But the jumping spider's eyes are three pairs and strange to look at; A pair of large-sized eyes attached to the front of the head is on the front of the mandible. Their eyesight is very sharp, about ten times that of the Ganges grasshopper.


Human eyesight is only five times greater than that of a spider; In other words, their eyesight is the highest in the world of insects. Most spiders have sharp venomous teeth, their teeth are hollow and they use these teeth as injection needles. Toxins are poured on the victim or the enemy by his teeth.


Spider prey,

The most widely used method is the ‘spread method’. Spiders make nets for prey in a variety of ways. Where different insects feed on grasses or vegetable gardens, the spider lays its nets parallel to the ground so that at the end of the feeding the insects fly away and after being caught in the net, the predatory spiders feed on the trapped insects.


Spiders weave vertically or vertically along the ground to trap flying insects. The spiders that catch prey with their nets do not see very well with their eyes but they are very sensitive to vibrations, realizing the vibrations that occur when the prey is trapped in the net, they jump on the prey. In addition to spreading the net, spiders catch prey in a variety of ways; Bears and jumping spiders bite and bite when they find prey, and eat the prey when it dies from poisoning.


Dear reader, this time we will see what the Holy Qur'an hints about this spider;

مَثَلُ الَّذِينَ اتَّخَذُوا مِن دُونِ اللَّهِ أَوْلِيَاء كَمَثَلِ الْعَنكَبُوتِ اتَّخَذَتْ بَيْتًا وَإِنَّ أَوْهَنَ الْبُيُوتِ لَبَيْتُ الْعَنكَبُوتِ لَوْ كَانُوا يَعْلَمُونَ

Like those who take God as their back and take them.

The example of those who take other than Allah as helpers is the spider. He builds a house. And of all the houses, the spider's web is the weakest, if they only knew.

The origin of the word spider in Arabic literature is 'Ankab'. The word ‘ankabut’ (spider), derived from the word ankab, refers to small animals that make a thin silk thread from the juice secreted from their bodies and weave a web with it.


Eggs - embryonic layer

After mating, female spiders accumulate sperm in the body until they are ready to produce eggs. The mother spider first makes an egg shell of strong silk that is hard enough to protect the developing offspring of its components. She then puts her eggs inside, when they emerge.

Depending on the species, a single egg vacuum may contain several eggs or hundreds. Spider eggs usually take a few weeks to hatch. In the winter region some spider eggs will appear oversized on the sack and in the spring.


In many spider species, the mother hatches eggs from predators whenever the young hatch other species keep the sack in a safe place and release the eggs from their own fate.

Wolf Spider mothers switch eggs with them. When they are ready to hatch, they will open the bed and free the spiders.

Also unique to this species, young ones spend as much as ten days hanging onto their mother back.



The sacrifice of the male spider,

Men have to accept how much sacrifice for the partner. So what is voluntary life? Yes, such an event is inevitable in the life of a male spider. The inevitable consequence of reunion with a partner is death. During mating, the male spider's genitals break. As a result, he became weak and dull. At this time the female partner swallowed him. A recent survey has revealed this information. This information is published in the journal Biology Letters of the United Kingdom.


The study was conducted by Steven K. Scutz, a researcher at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in the United States. Researcher Schwartz said male spiders sacrifice themselves to produce more or more chubby offspring. Apart from spiders, such phenomena are very common among bees and ants.


Application of spider venom,

All species of spiders have two venomous teeth. Through these venomous teeth, the spider's web applies venom to the body of the prey. As a result of this poison, everything inside the prey becomes liquid. The spider absorbs this fluid and quenches its hunger. Note that spider venom does no harm to spiders.

*If you know lot, so scratch


About me,

Md Jahangir Alam
Assistant Teacher of High school,

Interested: To know the unknown, to unravel the mystery from an unknown subject. For a good work vote from other


Spiders are invertebrate predators insect.

No! Spiders (with eight legs) aren't insects ( with only six legs).

I enjoyed these pictures, but there are a few mistakes in the text that I'd like to correct (beyond the simple mis-classification that everyone else is talking about), and some fun facts I'd like to add as well.

  1. Jumping spiders have four pairs of eyes as well, the third pair is simply much smaller than the others. The anterior median eyes are unique among spiders, as they are tetrachromatic, like avian eyes. Humans, by comparison, have trichromatic eyes. This means that jumping spiders, like birds but unlike humans, can see in the ultraviolet spectrum. Jumping spiders, like the insects that they prey upon, actually have better vision than humans. Huntsman spiders have the second-best vision of the spiders, and wolf spiders have the third-best.

  2. Only araneomorph spiders (a.k.a. "true spiders") use their webs to catch prey, and not all of them do that. Fishing spiders (family Pisauridae), wandering spiders (Ctenidae), wolf spiders (Lycosidae), huntsman spiders (Sparassidae), and jumping spiders (Salticidae) are all araneomorphs that are active hunters, some of which have a lifestyle similar to mygalomorphs (the infra-order that includes tarantulas). While tarantulas may construct silk-lined underground burrows with trip-lines to alert the spider inside to passing prey, no tarantula is known to construct snares. By the way, spider silk has a greater tensile strength than steel... just putting that out there.

  3. Spiders are not immune to spider venom, not even venom of the same species. Spiders can (and do) use their venom with the exact same effect on their kin as on other animals.

We should all get to know the spiders, they are our friends. Unlike the insects that they prey upon, spiders don't spread disease, they don't ruin our crops, and they prefer to stay out of our way.

Thanks for good comments steampunkkaja.

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You have a lot of good and correct information in here, but spiders are not insectsJust came here to reinforce @jaki01

I actually found quite a few mistakes, and I'll go through them bit by bit.