Hello friends #hive everything.
I returned here in this beloved community to show you everything about my photography with a beautiful moth that up and sticking on green leaves.
You can all see here some of the moth images that I have taken the picture, the moth is very many types>
They have very many types and shapes that are very different and also very many of their colors.
Nengat is a beautiful insect that is almost the same with them with butterflies, but the negates are mostly having a smaller body of butterflies, they are all very bothering us in many plants.
I took a picture of this picture in an empty garden on the side of the road, when I was walking in the afternoon. I entered the KeBun to look for beautiful mushrooms, it turned out I didn't find mushrooms and I found this beautiful white moth.
Let us all be curious about some of the pictures that I have taken, let us see below some of the pictures.

Camera used | Handphone |
Photography | Moth |
Location | Aceh Forest |
Photographer | @jasonmunapasee |
Yeah,it's a moth.