Beauty is everywhere! (The Red Princess)

Hello everyone! Today I would like to show you a fascinating creature that appears every day in my parents' garden.


Anartia Amathea(The Scarlet Peacock)

Photo of my authorship with an LG G6 +.

Some facts about it...

They have their origin in the mountainous regions of South America, this one in particular, we find it in Tomoporo, a remote place in the western regions of Venezuela. The particular colors on its body have earned it the nickname of Peacock Butterfly, it is a little friend who does not cause problems for people but who can be extremely territorial and it is common to see long fights between the males of this species.

Curiously, the blue color in its wings is not due to any special natural pigment since blue is the rarest color in nature, in fact it is due to a refraction effect that sunlight generates when entering some microstructures in the tissue of its wings.

Microstructures of the wings.

Thank you very much for your time and I hope you liked it! If so, please remember to comment, vote and follow me for more material like this @josevbc.


Very interesting beauty with fascination aspects of biology...


It is really a fascinating creature!

Thanks to you!