Hi Hive Lovers
I have checked some of my plants and found some young twigs that have lost their leaves. That is a sign that there are caterpillars there.
They are the caterpillars that are most often found around our homes. It seems they really like some soft plants, which are their favorite food.
You have to be more observant to check their whereabouts because of their ability to camouflage. If you don't check carefully and thoroughly, it will be difficult for you to find them. I even touched their bodies by accident, and it felt very ridiculous.
What's special this time is the presence of a brown caterpillar. Usually I always find green caterpillars, but this time I was really surprised by the presence of a brown caterpillar, which turned out to have the exact same shape as its green cousin.
Many people feel amused and mixed with fear when they come face-to-face with caterpillars or other animals with soft bodies. In my opinion, a person's feeling of amusement towards this soft-bodied animal is only due to the influence of the person's own mind, even though if you hold it, you will no longer feel ticklish or afraid.
They will absolutely not bite you, and you just need to control your fear. They are just moving around looking for something, and it will last as long as they are on your skin. You only need to be afraid and worried about caterpillars that have hair because of the poison that is there. You will itch and experience irritation if you come into contact with caterpillar hairs.
All the caterpillars that I found were not hairy; their body skin was soft and slippery; it felt very soft if you stroked their bodies. But don't worry; they are completely harmless.
You can see several different caterpillars in some of my photos, but in fact they have exactly the same shape and body pattern; the only difference is the color. To compare them, I have taken both of them and brought them out into the open for photos of them to see better.
What became even more ridiculous was when I lifted all the caterpillars from the branches and placed them together on the table. It's like seeing ridiculous animals gathered together, and your amusement doubles. If you do not control their presence on your plants, your plants will get bald due to their attacks.
Have you seen them before? What did you feel when you met them?
They look adorable, like plushies or fancy travel pillows.
You said that they're adorable; it sounds like you like caterpillars, or at least you're not afraid of them. BTW, their bodies are really soft if you touch or stroke them.
Thank you for stopping by @miosha, and best regards to you.
Very beautiful animals, indeed! :)
They are truly beautiful animals, but unfortunately, one can very rarely find them in the process of turning into even more beautiful butterflies, right?
Thanks for stopping by.Nice to meet you, @jaki01.