Macro Insect Focus Stack Photography #4

i hadn't used to like Wasps much, now i have learned a little bit about their importance i absolutely love them, truly stunning insects that are an important part of the balance in the natural world, peaceful and beautiful, just don't poke a nest lol.


Nikon D750 + Sigma 105mm macro, with flash and diffuser, (big crop)

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Wasps were particularly annoying this year. If there are only one or two of them, it is still bearable. But sometimes we had 20 to 30 of them in the apartment and that was not so pleasant anymore. Your pictures are really fantastic and I am happy that you continue to share your contributions in our community.

Thanks a lot 🦋

Just put some honey in a little vascular, offer it to the insects, and I bet the wasps will leave evrything else alone. :)

It is not quite that simple. We always have some honey mixed with water on the balcony. Unfortunately, this year there were so many wasps that at times, eating with the door open was hardly possible. There was almost certainly one or more nests nearby. I had never experienced it in such an extreme way before.

But that's the way it is and we survived 😉

Would that be possible?These photos are fantastic, but I think the suggestion of @hivewatchers is reasonable to make sure that it's really you who is posting these pictures.

Wow! Amazing images! Very good!

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