good night all hive community friends, on the occasion of this evening I @ partner-aceh want to make a post, which is my post tonight about a forest cockroach
forest cockroach
forest forest cockroaches are different from the cockroaches that we find around the home environment or trash cans
forest cockroach
The color of the cockroaches in the forest is black and the cockroaches in the house or trash cans that we often find are a bit reddish.
forest cockroach
most people consider cockroaches to be one of the most terrible animals in the world. Besides being afraid, individuals are also disgusted when they see cockroaches
forest cockroach
Many Many people are disgusted and too amused by cockroaches, sometimes they are too much compared to other insects, you know, in addition to their shape that makes goosebumps, cockroaches live in germ-filled places such as trash cans and drains, so the presence of this one animal can make people feel amused even screaming out of fear, disgusted and too amused by cockroaches, sometimes they are too much compared to other insects, you know, in addition to their shape that makes goosebumps, cockroaches live in germ-filled places such as trash cans and drains, so the presence of this one animal can make people feel amused even screaming out of fear,
forest cockroach
that's all from me @ partner-aceh if there are shortcomings and mistakes I apologize, and please worry me, because I don't want to make all my friends laugh because of me, I'm just learning and want to be successful like all my friends in this hive community,
that's all from me and thank you
I would mistake the forest cockroach for another insect. Forest cockroaches have a harder and tougher shell than the cockroaches we normally see?
Can that euh,,, bereh222,,cek jin kiban inan,,
Cek jin kajeud keu boss inoe,🤣🤣🤣