Hi there my Steemian friends and followers!
I am happy to come up with another contribution to the Fascinating Insects community that was created by @jaki01, a dedicated nature lover and avid wildlife photographer.
The official name of the community is Fascinating Insects but the description says it is "a place to share photos and interesting facts about insects and other arthropods" and since crustaceans are (probably my favorite) arthropod taxon, let me share a little photo collection of some cool crustacean pictures with you today.
The first two photos depict the Australian Red Claw Crayfish (Cherax Quadricarinatus), a large freshwater crayfish once only native to Australia. I used to keep these guys in my (cray)fish tank. The first one was just a few weeks old, the second was an adult male. Amazing creatures.
These two are easy to recognize. Yep, they are the Hermit Crabs (Paguroidea).
The last shot took some patience. This little fella is the Atlantic Ghost Crab (Ocypode Quadrata), a very shy and nimble crab species that spends a lot of time just hiding in his sand burrow.
I hope you enjoyed this little crustacean photo collection. It´s probably not as diverse and interesting as the insect photo collection that I shared in this group a few days ago but that´s because crustaceans are not so commonly found and they are usually also harder to photograph.
This post was created by me for the Steem blockchain exclusively.
💙💙😍 nejkrásnejší pan Klóďáček!!
Krasavec ;)
Krásní korýši. Jednou jsem viděl modrého raka u nás v potoce. Jednou...
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Fakt jo? To ho tam nejspíš vypustil nějaký zoufalý akvarista... Tyhle věci by se dělat neměly. Může se z nich stát invazivní druh, co vyhubí naše původní raky.
Byl to náš původní rak říční, vzácné modré zbarvení, moc takových není. Říkali mi to hasiči, že ho pozorují u nich na rybníčku. Měli tam oplocené cvičiště s nádržemi.
Rak vylezl výpustí a odešel do světa :-) Odnesli jsme ho tam zpátky. Bude tam víc v bezpečí než v potoce hned u sídliště.
Už je to plno let. Možná už nežije, i když se dožívají kolem 15 let, což je docela dost.
Aha, tak to jsem ani nevěděl, že se u raka říčního tahle barevná mutace vyskytuje... Třeba tam ještě pořád je ;)
Kdo ví :)
They are amazing, marvelous and beautiful !
Aww, thank you :) Looks like Steem just got another crustacean fan :D
Wow... So beautiful photo clicks. I love it.
@tipu curate
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Thanks buddy :) Glad you enjoyed the collection.
Fascinujicí živočichové. Ale aby mě chytil klepetem bych tedy nechtěl. :-) Pěkná kolekce fotek.
0.03411113 TRDO0.02274075 TRDO curation in 3 Days from Post Created Date!Congratulations @garygeo1, you successfuly trended the post shared by @phortun! @phortun will receive & @garygeo1 will get
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Přesně :) Proto se ta skupina i tak jmenuje :D Vidím, že admin upvotuje i všechny komentáře, to je od něj hezké. Já mám dneska svou voting power už úplně vyšťavenou... Každopádě děkuju za koment i tokeny ;)
:-) Není zač.
Absolutely correct. :)
Very good photos, and you are really lucky to live at a place which plenty of wildlife during the whole year!
Thank you :) Actually, the Azores where I am currently based boast some breathtaking pristine nature but in terms of biodiversity, this location is surprisingly poor. It was in the Central America where I was often literraly surrounded by wildlife, especially in Costa Rica which is a true biodiversity hotspot.
Anyhow, I thought you were living in Mexico ... :)
I was living there until recently :) A couple of months ago, we relocated to the Azores ;)
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Hey @phortun, here is a little bit of from @garygeo1 for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking.
hello I like marine animals and crustaceans
Happy day
That´s awesome :) If you have any photos, feel free to share them in this group :)
Pěkné potvůrky :-)
Very cute fella's i love them Hermit Crabs especially 👍
Awesome shots! Beautiful colors :)
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