The Monarch
Greetings hive readers, in this opportunity I want to share with you some images and text related to the monarch butterfly.
The monarch butterfly is characterized by its striking orange and black colors, which remind predators of the damage that can be caused by eating it. This mechanism is known as aposematism, which consists of sending flashy signals that are intended to ward off predators. These warning signals can be visual or audible. Generally, animals, and humans too, associate these colors or sounds with dangerous properties.
In the case of monarch butterflies, these colors are produced because when they are in the caterpillar stage they feed on leaves containing poisonous sap. Then, when they go through the metamorphosis stage, this poison remains in their wings, so animals that try to eat them will suffer the effects of the poison. So they will avoid devouring them.
This defense mechanism allows them to live much longer than other butterflies. However, as they become more adult, the toxin they contain in their wings and body decreases.
Monarch butterfly caterpillars here in Venezuela feed mainly on the leaves of the parchita plant. At first they feed on the shells of the cocoons from which they emerge. When they become butterflies they feed on the nectar of the flowers, preferring the brightly colored ones, water and fruits.
These butterflies contribute to the life and health of our planet by feeding on flower nectar and pollinating other types of wildflowers.
The female monarch is characterized by black wing stripes that are thicker than those of the male. They have a kind of spot or mole on the wings. These are glands that produce pheromones to attract females.
These insects usually live about four days as cocoons, two weeks as caterpillars, about ten days as pupae and two to six weeks as adults.
One of the characteristics of these butterflies is their ability to migrate, traveling thousands of kilometers, even making transatlantic journeys, remembering the flight patterns, which are maintained for several generations.
A discordant, opaque and sad point is the use of the name of this beautiful butterfly for a program carried out by the CIA, through which they seek to mind control and split the personality of boys, girls, women and men who are recruited and kidnapped for this purpose.
In 1974 the New York Times published about illegal activities carried out by the CIA, where they conducted experiments on US citizens during the 1960s. This led to the U.S. Congress. Together with a presidential commission to investigate these activities.
Through Project Monarca and Project MK-Ultra, experiments were conducted on human beings using psychotropic drugs such as LSD, mescaline and other chemical and biological substances, as well as electroshock, torture, physical and sexual abuse, confinement in cages and coffins, deprivation of food, water and sleep. They were even subjected to near-death experiences of loved ones and themselves.
All this with the purpose of achieving mental and behavioral control. They sought to divide the psyche of the victims into several personalities, molded and educated in order to program them to carry out prostitution, drug trafficking, contract killings, among other actions.
Angelina Jolie starred in a movie where this project is reflected: Agent Salt. Likewise, we can see these images in the Jason Bourne Trilogy.
We must be attentive with our children since this type of manipulation is now being carried out through movies such as the Wizard of Oz, Alice in Wonderland, Disney movies, video clips, through which psychological manipulation is sought. And symbols with the monarch butterfly are being used to generate psychological anchors.
Si quieres profundizar en las temáticas descritas en este post puedes revisar los siguientes enlaces:
If you want to go deeper into the topics described in this post you can check the following links:
Hablemos de la mariposa monarca
Mariposa monarca: Características, hábitat y localización
Proyecto MK Ultra
Proyecto MK-Ultra y Proyecto Monarca
El proyecto Monarca: Control por medio de la división de la conciencia
Las imágenes son de mi propiedad. Fueron editadas con GIMP
Los separadores son diseño propio. Editados con Power Point y GIMP