esp/eng. Cuidado con esta Araña Mona/ Watch out for this cute spider

in Fascinating Insects3 years ago

Hola mis amigos de hive Dios los bendiga a todos paso por aqui dejándoles una nueva entrega de mis contenidos. Hoy les quiero hablar de esta araña mona que estaba en la pared de mi casa, es de color negro, tiene unas pinzas para sujetarse muy bien y para poder tener a sus presas a su poder.

Hello my friends from hive. God bless you all, I pass by here leaving you a new installment of my content. Today I want to tell you about this cute spider that was on the wall of my house, she is black, she has clamps to hold on very well and to be able to have her prey at her power.


Mis padres decian que si estos insecto te picaban te daba fiebre alta y tambien eran venenosa, asi que tener un poco de cuidado con estos tipos de animales. Porque en esta epoca es donde salen en abundancia, asi que cuidado.

My parents said that if these insects bite you, they would give you a high fever and they were also poisonous, so be a little careful with these types of animals. Because at this time is where they come out in abundance, so be careful.



Hasta la proxima entrega.
Fotos tomadas de mi telefono inteligente un redmi 9.

Until the next delivery.
Photos taken from my smartphone a redmi 9.