Our house near the forest is just a summer cottage where we come in the warm season. The rest of the time it is closed, but sometimes life in it continues without us (or ends in the most unexpected way).
First I saw a small dragonfly on the windowsill.. What caught my attention was the lack of stigma on one wing.
I had to take some macro shots to see her wings in more detail.
It turned out that the wing was broken and, in general, the body of the dragonfly dried up and mummified.
But then I decided to look at the dragonfly from the side, and then a completely different picture opened up to me.
Two insects seemed to grapple in the last death grip. The second insect also dried up, I could not see it in detail. But I perfectly remembered how many wasps flew into the house in the fall.
The dragonfly is considered the most voracious predator, but I remembered that it hunts on the fly.
So who attacked who here?
Why was the battle the last for both ?
I doubted the dragonfly had attacked first: the wasp has a sting that it can use repeatedly.
But why did the bodies remain in this position?
Perhaps the dragonfly used its jaws. She could hardly harm the wasp, but to keep it - such an option was possible.
I'm not an expert and I don't know many of the intricacies. Therefore, I stood for a long time, considering the place of the last dramatic fight.
I think that the wasp decided to eat the rival. There was no other way out, because they were left alone in a closed room.
And yet my doubts remained.
From myself, as a viewer, I can only say:
such is the tragic finale of the performance called "Last Stand".
Ничего себе... как стрекоза муху упаковала...
думаю, тут обоюдно. Как-то видела видео, где шершень напал на большую стрекозу. Страшное дело... он её жалом как штыком пришпилил, а потом голову отгрыз. Зрелище не для слабонервных.