It's so tiny!
And seeing it brings to mind a friend who said he didn't mind spiders but he didn't like jumping spiders because "they have these giant fuckoff legs and then they leap into your face" or something to that effect XD
I showed it to youngest and he thinks it's adorable but he's also said he's terrified of them because there was one he was admiring because it was so little and cute and then it jumped in his face XD
Is it a pet as in it lives in a corner of a room or one that you have in a tank?

Hahaha yea they tend to like jumping on what ever gets too close too them to climb on it that’s why it takes long time to take photos of them as they want to jump on the phone. Lucky with this DSLR camera and lens the focusing distance is greater so she stayed still.
She lives in an enclosure made for her:
Ahh that's one of the ones I missed (I've been missing a fair bit lately because time is a thing x_x). Awesome little enclosure :)
LoL I assume you've been startled a few times trying to get a good shot? XD
She jumped on my a few times but I’m Ok with that 😊