While my son was helping me remove the weeds from my garden, he found the presence of a snail with its brown spiral-shaped casing, this insect for days or perhaps months has been hidden in my garden, the reason for not having seen it is that these insects come out at night, to bite the leaves of the plants, causing diseases in the plants.
El caracol común de jardín o burgajo (Helix aspersa) es una especie de molusco gasterópodo pulmonado de la familia Helicidae, de vida terrestre. Es una de las varias especies del género Helix, muy similares. No debe confundirse con Helix pomatia, el caracol romano, otra de las especies más abundantes. Es originario de Europa, pero vive en muchas otras zonas. Su cuerpo es de hasta 8 cm de largo. Es de hábitos crepusculares y nocturnos, aunque en lugares húmedos en penumbra y en días de lluvia también es activo de día. En época de sequía se esconde dentro de la concha y se encierra elaborando un "tapón" a base de moco seco llamado epifragma. Como la mayoría de las babosas y caracoles, posee órganos masculinos y femeninos, por lo que cualquier pareja de individuos puede procrear. Es hermafrodita, ovíparo y posee una concha calcárea enrollada en espiral. Famoso por su proverbial lentitud, se mueve a una velocidad máxima de 0,05 km/h,23 a pesar de lo cual es uno de los caracoles más rápidos.
The common garden snail or burgajo (Helix aspersa) is a species of pulmonary gastropod mollusk of the Helicidae family, of terrestrial life. It is one of several species of the genus Helix, very similar. It should not be confused with Helix pomatia, the Roman snail, another of the most abundant species. It is native to Europe, but lives in many other areas. Its body is up to 8 cm long. It has twilight and nocturnal habits, although in humid places in twilight and on rainy days it is also active during the day. In times of drought it hides inside the shell and closes itself making a "plug" made of dry mucus called the epiphragm. Like most slugs and snails, it has male and female organs, so any pair of individuals can procreate. It is hermaphrodite, oviparous and has a calcareous shell wound in a spiral. Famous for its proverbial slowness, it moves at a maximum speed of 0.05 km / h, 23 despite which it is one of the fastest snails.
¿Se puede consumir este tipo de caracol?
En Francia, donde se les conoce como escargot, se consumen sobre todo el caracol romano (Helix pomatia), el caracol de jardín (Helix aspersa) y en menor medida, el caracol europeo (Helix lucorum). ... Otras especies comestibles son Cepaea nemoralis, Cepaea hortensis, Achatina fulica, Helix aperta y Otala punctata.
En Francia comer caracoles (también conocido como escargot) es un hecho común.En Venezuela sólo se sirve en exclusivos hoteles y restaurantes, o lo sumo es importado por escasos bodegones para atender a un micro mercado de europeos residenciados en el país; y pese a que el molusco abunda en gran parte de los jardines de las casas y zonas de vegetaciones selváticas. En Italia, Francia, España la helicicultura es desplegada hace muchos años con tecnología vanguardista, pero en Venezuela la labor helicícola es nula, siendo poca la información que se puede obtener, ya que no se conoce criaderos a nivel industrial, salvo algunos casos de criaderos aislados en etapa experimental y rudimentaria que no han tenido continuidad. Sin embargo, para el país, esta actividad constituye una oportunidad de negocio en el sector agropecuario, porque se cuenta con ventajas para su producción, como es el caso de inmensas extensiones de tierras aptas (humedad, ph, suelos calcáreos, temperaturas medias).
*** Can this type of snail be consumed? ***
In France, where they are known as escargot, the Roman snail (Helix pomatia), the garden snail (Helix aspersa) and, to a lesser extent, the European snail (Helix lucorum) are mainly consumed. ... Other edible species are Cepaea nemoralis, Cepaea hortensis, Achatina fulica, Helix aperta and Otala punctata.
In France eating snails (also known as escargot) is a common occurrence. In Venezuela it is only served in exclusive hotels and restaurants, or at most it is imported for a few still lifes to serve a micro market of Europeans residing in the country; and despite the fact that the mollusk abounds in a large part of the gardens of the houses and areas of jungle vegetation. In Italy, France, Spain, heliciculture has been deployed for many years with avant-garde technology, but in Venezuela the helicicultural work is nil, with little information that can be obtained, since there are no known industrial breeding sites, except for some cases of hatcheries isolated in an experimental and rudimentary stage that have not had continuity. However, for the country, this activity constitutes a business opportunity in the agricultural sector, because it has advantages for its production, as is the case of immense extensions of suitable land (humidity, pH, calcareous soils, average temperatures).

El caracol suele comer las hojas de algunas plantas/The snail usually eats the leaves of some plants.
Snail farming in Venezuela could be, in the short term, one of the most profitable animal productions as it happens in other international spheres, if it is carried out with the necessary care, using appropriate technologies, providing economic resources per state action for the small , medium and large producer. And of course, educating human resources and the community in general for zootechnical scaffolding. It is known that it will be a gradual and slow process, which, perhaps, will take years to become internalized within Venezuelan culture, but it is necessary to start, extending the call to the scientific and academic sector to take part and coverage in this action. through research. In Venezuela at present there is no development of the non-traditional alternative livestock of the Helix snail.