Here is a roundup of some butterflies I've found from the past few years.
Here are a couple of Papilio polyxenes aka eastern black swallowtails. They were drinking water from a muddy pathway.
Here is a similar butterfly called an eastern tiger swallowtail aka Papilio glaucus. Poor thing probably got its wing tails bitten off by birds while in flight.
Here is a common sight, a monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus).
If you ever see milkweed plants you will probably see a monarch butterfly as they love to eat the nectar from their flowers.
Here is another common butterfly called a red admiral (Vanessa atalanta).
Red admirals are often called the friendliest butterfly. They will often land on you and will let you pick them up.
Here is a Red-spotted Purple (Limenitis arthemis) sometimes also called a white admiral. This one's wing is still expanding as it just emerged from the crysalis.
This one is a little less common and its called the Great Spangled Fritillary (Speyeria cybele). They are pretty fast and hard to get a good shot of them before they fly away. Fortunately it was windy and this one decided to stay on the flower longer than usual.
That's all for now, more butterflies soon and thanks for looking :-)
What range 🙂 And I don't just mean the 6 lovely butterfly/moth species. sketch.and.jam can go from creepy crawly spiders and snakes to beautiful and elegant butterflies and moths 💪 Nicely done. Nice post. Great shadow capture btw on the red admiral - angel anyone?
The red admiral just finished watching batman and was sending out a bat signal.
Beautiful 🦋
My favorite is Monarh 🤗🦋
Fortunately there are many of them around here. Its a bit tricky finding their cocoons though.
Cool about the one just expanding the wings. :))
That one was on my balcony then finally hatched so I was able to pick it up while it was still expanding its wings.
wooooooow,,,,, you beat me 5-0 this time hehehe,, that's perfect my friend..
I'll have to find my moth pictures next.
I'll be waiting for the episode guys