The wood bee or in other languages is called the Carpenter Bee, while in our local language it is often called the Hu'eng (non-verbal) is one of the species that has flying speed, especially this one. The characters are very aggressive and are rarely seen standing still from any movement during the day, let alone sucking nectar. Seeing this bee must have a larger body size when compared to the others.

Did you know that their presence on planet earth is very beneficial? Because they often participate in the processing of every plant growth, while the plants themselves are of great benefit to the life of all beings on this planet earth. So the impact, affects the lives of other living things, including other animals, plants, and even humans.
Its existence on this planet earth does not provide a positive value for the environment, on the contrary, maximum life and hope for every creature without realizing it has a very large contribution to the development of every environment that is often occupied by every human being.
Do you know why this bee is called the Carpenter Bee?
Giving this name of course refers to their behavior that is often seen in everyday life, namely their choice to build nests in logs, of course this goal refers to their instinctive nature, which always wants to protect their families from everything, or one of the goals The main thing is to survive the attacks of predators.
Giving this name certainly refers to their behavior which is often seen in everyday life, namely their choice to build nests in logs, of course this goal refers to their instinctive nature, which always wants to protect their families from everything, or one of the main goals is, survive the attacks of predators both himself and his family.
In our own area, often seen nesting in large wood, they will always be in a high location and often in the middle of the forest. Judging from their character in making nests, it is clear that they are very careful and very thorough in tracking an important location, especially where they are breeding, they always anticipate anything that can harm their body and also their family, with very aggressive behavior, they are highly respected by every other insect species that dominates the same area.
Although beehives are located far away and in areas that are somewhat difficult to reach, they also often visit densely populated areas (locations that have greenery with potential flowers) or densely populated areas close to their nesting environment, today seeing them, on one of the flower petals, the bee is enjoying rose nectar. This pink rose that grows behind someone's house, has a decent height, or is about 2 meters high and above the upper branches can see the roses are blooming, and it's also obvious that this carpenter bee is enjoying every flower nectar there is.
When I saw it, was moved to capture it through a personal smartphone, but there are a few obstacles to achieve it, besides taking photos, we should not do activities or movements that make them uncomfortable, because if we see sudden movements, we will be considered as intruders, when someone's sudden presence can disturb him, it is very fatal or at least the they will immediately move to another location that is considered safe from the monitoring of strangers.
Then to reach it from a close distance is also difficult, because the bee's presence is in the limited flower petals or at the very end of the top of the tree. So it requires a way or tool to stand on the side of the plant easily and surely.
Although it was a bit difficult, finally managed to take pictures with these rather difficult conditions, and managed to get some pictures with macrophotography results, when viewed in each image sometimes bright and sometimes blurry, it was a rather difficult effort to do, in taking several poses at different angles. Moreover, relying on a personal smartphone is certainly very complicated.
However, the bottom line is that I'm very happy to be reunited with him, after a long time of not being seen in our circle. Today these carpenter bees, still exist in our territory, although their location is very difficult.
Thanks you very much...

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Krue Seumangat!
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