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RE: Free-diving Is An Amazing Sport!

in Sports Talk Social3 years ago

I must say that was one of my favourite reads on Sports Talk Social in a while, so interesting and well put together and the pictures, just Wow... These two were my favourites.



Tammy's ability to hold her breath under water for more than 2 minutes is insane but it must be so exhilarating.


Hey thanks! Yes Tammy's pics are really next level.When I asked if I could use some pics of her for an article about free diving I had no idea she was going to send me such amazing photos. She's super cool lady. Also great that free-diving is becoming very popular now here in Thailand and more and more people are trying it. I think it's super and compared to the bulky and expensive equipment needed for SCUBA, its very accessible for anyone that is a comfortable swimmer.

That's class, she seems like a sound head 👌

I'd love to try it some day but I'd max out at 1 minute under water, can't do much more in a pool.

How does it works with the bends? Not like you can do a slow ascent..

Hey! So the bends is caused when your body absorbs nitrogen during extended bottom time at depth when diving on SCUBA. This nitrogen is in gas form and expands as you ascend. It can become "stuck" in various parts of your body often in the joints. The term "Bends" comes from the fact that divers suffering at the surface would relieve the pain by bending their joints, hence becoming known as the bends. The time limits imposed on SCUBA divers at certain depths is specifically for avoiding absorbing too much nitrogen. The short amount of time that a recreational free-diver spends underwater will not cause excess nitrogen absorption. Slow ascent is required on SCUBA but not while free-diving. I could go in to a lot more detail about this topic but my answer would end up longer than the post!

Ha ha, I hear you, thanks for the info though, it's really interesting... I dived in Kao Tao and Tioman island in Malaysia. It was unreal, a whole other world under there, really incredible.