76ers take the L on Tuesday in Minnesota | Team travels to face the Celtics tonight


Ah yes, it's gameday for the Sixers once again. This season has been equivalent to watching a slowly sinking ship. This ship once had big aspirations to voyage out and do great things, but it seems that the ship was not made with the sturdiest materials...

The Sixers lost again on Tuesday, this time to the Timberwolves, and well ya know...

Yeah, I am pretty worried about when or if the next win for the Sixers will happen. Perhaps their next win of 2025 will come this autumn... YIKES. On a positive-ish note, Quentin Grimes is playing like a straight up All-Star which is fun to watch. The dude dropped 30 on Tuesday after scoring 44 on Saturday against the Warriors. Grimes is set to be a free agent after this season, the way he's playing he's definitely due for a nice payday. Hopefully the Sixers find a way to keep him, but with several massive contracts on the team, I guess we shall see.

Joel Embiid's injury situation remains gloomy even after the announcement that he's done for the season. Many surgery scenarios are coming out including one that involves breaking his hip to therefore alleviate pressure on his knee? I am NOT a medical professional by any means, that's just what I HEARD, so take that with a grain of salt. That type of surgery sounds scary for sure. A lot of people are also questioning the Sixers front office for even signing Embiid to a big contract knowing his injury risk. Just a lot of chatter, not fun chatter either. I don't even know if Embiid will ever be the same, let alone be back in October.

People are also pondering sitting Paul George the rest of the way. Might as well I feel.

Things are grim but I'm just going to laugh at the situation, what else is there left to do really?

Tonight the Sixers are up in Boston to likely get utterly demolished BUT a win would be hilarious and super satisfying. Might as well cause a bit of chaos and inconvenience the Celtics. Creep closer on that all-time W-L record vs the Celtics! Pro-tank people might not like this but, life is too short to just want a total tank. Wins always feel good.

But yeah, this season has been steadily depressing, I will be watching and enjoying the contest nevertheless!


