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Sports could simply be seen as the activity that one does for pleasure or competition which requires physical effort or skill. It is usually done in a special area and according to fixed rules.

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Most institutions of learning have adopted sporting activities as integral parts of education and learning because of the imperatives of sport in developing positive character in pupils and students.

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Sportsmanship and the development of positive character in pupils are important goals of school sports. There is a strong believe that sport programmes have the power to promote the development of sportsmanlike behaviours, ethical decision-making skills, and a total curriculum for moral character development, as well as provide a social environment to acquire personal and social values and behaviours thereby contributing to good character and good citizenship.

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The area of sports are variable which can provide one of the greatest opportunities for pupils to learn integrity, honesty and ethical behaviours. To mould our children to become complete human character for the future, there is need for the school curriculum to be developed toward enhancing both academic and sporting excellence.

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Managements of schools as well as governments at all tiers and other stakeholders must stop paying lip service to sports development but must make concerted efforts and draw up workable sporting programmes for our institutions of learning and at the grass root in order to forestall future reoccurrences where the country failed to qualify for any major competition, talk-less of winning any.


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Sport development in schools will help expose and possibly export abundant talents among our children and this in-turn will be a valuable tool in nation building.

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Refusal to stop mass plagiarism fraud since 18 months ago:

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