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RE: SPORTS TODAY - 200 SPORTS + 1 HIVE* for everyone who chats here - Daily Sports discussion post - 18th March

in Sports Talk Social4 years ago

Thanks for yesterdays participation guys , 200 SPORTS and 0.5 HIVE has been sent to each of you
Those who participated but dind't post 3 comments

@daniella619 @jfang003 @gimmetricks1 @pusen @savagetobi @dealhunter @teapassion


Congrats to me and my co-winner

Today is a big match anyways and all excitement about today's India vs England match. India legends have entered the semi finals

You are right . What do you think ? Will India win this one ?

I think they will , Rohit will score well today + Rahul will score well too is what I feel .

I will still go for Englad in this game once more. They will take the victory.

England has the upper hand but I think it would way more interesting if India wins.

With 66/3 in 9 overs, India looks like coming back in the game. Required Run Rate for England crossed 10. Interesting twist in the match.

The way Indian skipper has played, i have no choice but to agree with you. I guess England will take it.

I dont have much hopes but will not dare to write-off Virat Kohli completely. I some times feel his PR agency has created larger than life image.

What's your prediction?

daniella619 you are welcome


am glad to know you are a lover of sports, what is your favorite team?

Am a Chelsea fan

wow a Chelsea fan? hmmmm i see...

woo, I am sighting some one new here @daniella619. Welcome girl to this amazing place where discussions are made and we win prizes in return. Lols...

Yes and we learn everyday from the experts who watch it regularly.

I see you too.
Today is another day

Did anybody see what Paul Pogba did? That guy is a game changer. At last yesterday's game (Manchester United (1) Vs AC Milan (0). Pogba has won it for United. I'm happy my prediction was on point. It's a nice move for the United towards Europa league.