Football Time | News Flash
The Daily Mail reveals Cristiano Ronaldo's secrets that have allowed him to have a great career and continue to stay in top shape on the pitch despite being 36 years old:
️ Feed every 3-4 hours, six times a day, and only eat small portions during meals.
️️It mainly eats cereals, fruit, salads, fish and white chicken.
For breakfast, she eats fruit, avocado toast, fat-free yogurt, cheese and ham.
️He only drinks water.
Soda is excluded from his diet, as are red meats and frozen foods. ️ Instead of sleeping 8 hours straight, he naps for five minutes 90 minutes a day, bringing a total of 7 hours of sleep. ️He spends hours in the gym.
Source : Fb_sepakbolacom and the daily mail