Most people will watch in fascination whilst telling you how terrible this is. Most people have double standards that don't apply to them so is this right or wrong?
Hit the nail on the head there. I didn't watch the game but I heard about the incident and saw videos from YouTube. I genuinely checked out of curiosity and was thankful he was announced stable. A lot of people are hypocrites, but if I didn't find it so easily online that would be better. We can take action without hypocritical outcries
Very true and why personally I don't think it is right for broadcasters to carry on with a live stream when there is something that is obviously wrong. They dodge streakers and pan away or go back to the studio so why not when there is a serious injury or a life threatening incident such as this case. Injuries I am not so worried about but this was a clear case of over stepping what should be a private moment.