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RE: This year's NCAA football playoff showcases exactly why a playoff was necessary

in Sports Talk Social2 months ago (edited)

It makes the BCS era (which a lot of SEC homers are fond of) seems like bs. Especially the year (2011?) when the national championship was a SEC championship rematch.

I guess the difference now is the rankings will be decided by a "committee" behind closed doors versus fake news media calling the shots.

PS - I do think rewarding the highest seeds for conference champions need to be fixed. Boise State and Arizona State were seeded too high. Then again, it's only the first year of extended format. We might see the reverse next year.


it will evolve but if they were to take ASU and BSU out of their cushy seeds, the conferences would complain. I think this is a situation where we can't please all the people all the time. I do think that the 12 team thing was necessary though and am really glad it happened.