National and international sport competition

in Sports Talk Social3 years ago

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Hello givers, good to have you again.
Today I which to deliberate on this topic which is very rampant.
Supremacy in international sports competitions promotes the prestidge of a nation". This statement is true in all it's setting and is firmly behaved by all aspiring Nations.
During the modern olympic games, there are more countries participating than it was at the beginning, or even ten years ago. The present standards is high and the spirit of the game still upheld.
Let me mention just an example of a sport star - Dick Tiger, who became one of the nigeria's greatest ambassador in the world of boxing. It was through him and his predecessors Hogan Kid Basset that the country attended international conferences on boxing.
Racial, religious and political bariers are broken down during international sports competitions. Indeed, sports is one of the strongest weapon against apartheid and colour bar. Turning back to the country it is generally observed that only few schools and colleges have field competitors for sport in the national level; others are lukewarm on account of:
1. FINANCIAL PROBLEMS- Schools colleges and clubs buy their equipment, provide money for transport and maintain their competitors and so, when they are faced with financial difficulties, they decide to withdraw quietly.
2. LACK OF TRAINED COACHES- Athletes who seem to retire from active participation of one kind of sports or the other, show some kind of disinterestedness because they are not accorded any recognition by the government so as to entitle them to some form of remuneration for the little they will contribute.
On these grounds, it is incumbent on the citizens to assist to encourage athletes in these ways:
BY VOLUNTARY ORGANISATIONS- In the Divisional provincial, and National Sports Associatios, appeals should be made to voluntary organisations for financial supports. Individuals can donate generously in aid of sports. Commercial firms and state owned corporations should be ready to assist when help is needed. These donations can be in cash or kind.
BY GOVERNMENT SUBSIDY- In all civilized countries, government includes sports in it's budget speech; that means a sum is surely earmarked for sports. This is a good practice worthy of emulation. As long as sufficient subsidy is provided through a well constituted Sports Commission, it then means that Government will assume full responsibility in organizing and administering sports in all it's branches. No sports organisation will function effectively except it has an adequate financial backing from the government.


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  1. Government should establish in each division and towns sport facilities - stadium, gymnasium, and swimming pool.
  2. Government should place emphasis on the opening of seminars and workshops for teachers and would-be-teachers of physical education.
  3. They should also give financial aids for the education of teachers.
  4. Again, they should set up functional sports commission manned by physical education experts.