@cryptoandcoffee Very nice to see al the great improvements around here, especially in the quality of posts! The new dedicated platform is rather good :-)
Does the promotion tool no longer work please? I just promoted my post with 15K Sports but in the promoted posts section, it says there aren't any!
Sorry. Just saw your comment and have no idea. @patrickulrich will know so we will find out.
Ahh I hadn't realized that this was happening @leedsunited & @cryptoandcoffee. I'll reach out to eonwarped to see if it is something that can be repaired or not. It might not be something that he'll take up since they aren't supporting the old front ends anymore. We might end up having to find another dev who could submit a request to have it fixed.
It's probably not on the frontend, is it? Does outpost work?
Oof! I didn't realize the new frontend even had that functionality. The new site doesn't have it working either.
It's because it's past payout
You nailed it! I promoted another post that's within the time frame and it's now showing under promoted as well. I'm kind of surprised we don't have any promoted content at the moment.
Thank you for taking the time out to look at this!