Young bertahan atau kembali ke Inggris


Pemain Inter Milan Ashley Young tidak akan bisa menolak kalau seandainya harus balik ke Inggris untuk bermain bersama klub masa kecilnya Watford. Walau demikian Young juga masih ingin bertahan di Italia bersama Inter Milan

Young sudah hampir satu tahun setengah berbaju Inter. Dia sudah bermaian di 56 pertandingan serta mencetak empat gol. Performa Young juga bisa dibilang lumayan. Young juga menjadi pemain yang berhasil menghantarkan Inter Scudetto musim ini. Pemain yang telah berusia 36 tahun tersebut sering bermain untuk menjadi pelapis Achraf Hakimi serta Ivan Peris


Inter Milan player Ashley Young will not be able to refuse if he has to return to England to play with his childhood club Watford. However, Young also still wants to stay in Italy with Inter Milan

Young has been in the Inter shirt for almost a year and a half. He has played 56 games and scored four goals. Young's performance is also arguably not bad. Young also became a player who managed to deliver the Inter Scudetto this season. The 36-year-old player often plays as a coating for Achraf Hakimi and Ivan Peris