
We slowed down again today but we are still very close to getting enough votes.

Total GP Voted: 45.99482495376386 / 100 GP
Required GP: 51
For: 100.0%
Against: 0.0%

There's still a number of people who upvoted the main post but haven't voted on a comment yet to cast a vote on the proposal. If you're tagged in this comment would you mind to also vote on the Yes comment if you support this proposal or the No comment if you don't. We still need a little more than 6% of GP to vote before the proposal becomes valid and your votes could get us half the way there.

@roger5120 @steem.girl @automaton @alokkumar.sports @sportfrei @djsl82

We are so close I can taste it! Thank you to everyone who voted yesterday. I'll probably do a tag for the top 100 that haven't voted a bit later today if I have time.

Total GP Voted: 46.744240256207654 / 100 GP
Required GP: 51
For: 100.0%
Against: 0.0%

We are only 2.5 GP away from getting this approved! If you see anyone on the list who hasn't voted please tell them to go vote.

Total GP Voted: 48.64772302140236 / 100 GP
Required GP: 51
For: 100.0%
Against: 0.0%