We have a load of sports that we list on SportsTalkSocial.com. There are a few categories that get the most focus but we have a home for about everyone. Right now the main sports are the ones that get highlighted by our voting bot. They are:
That's only the ones that our curation bot tracks though. We have far more tags that we support on the site ranging from volleyball to esports. These each have their own page and are tracked on the sidebar plus listed in the suggestive tags list.
In case you didn't know each sport can, and often does in larger sports, have sub sections for leagues in that sport. Those league pages have subsections for conferences and then conferences usually break down into either teams or divisions of teams depending on the site of a league. This lets you easily look at any team's page and get just the news for them or expanded wider to get a good take on what's happening at higher levels.
We also have sections for different fantasy sports discussions and also Actifit listed in our sidebar. I think it's best to expand more tribes and drop #actifit below a #tribes header and then open the inclusion of other general purpose tribes that would be interested in having #sportstalk content on their pages. If there are tribes where sports content makes sense please tag them below. If they are interested in letting people use SportsTalkSocial.com to apply their tribe tag then I'll be happy to add them to the menu system so they'll show under the tribe suggestive tags.
I'll also be adding a top level #sportsgov to the main site for discussions on the tribe governance. This will eventually have subsections for proposals and petitions if they end up getting approved and can be expanded as additional dapps get built that use the token.
I also want to be sure we have homes for all sports. If there's a sport that's not covered above but you'd like to see on the site please leave it in the comments below. I'll do my best to get it added in. I'm also open to adding additional leagues and teams under each sport. This doesn't even have to be top level professional teams. If you know people in amateur league that might like a home to discuss their games I'd be more than happy to get them on board. I just need links to their league websites and tag suggestions for each league/team so I can update things.
staying on the game.
Most sports I like did get their place in the community.
Keep it going!Glad to see #sportstalksocial is
Thank you @pouchon! We're working to make things better as they get brought up. I'll have a post up soon about a new feature that's available soon!
Beautiful to hear this Pat. We love this communication and its gets one prepared in the mind for the new addition.
This looks good @patrickulrich! Thank you for the update on what's what with #SportTalk. I have been recently looking through the project and it looks very promising! Let's all continue to build on Hive and promote health, fitness, and sport lifestyles together! 🙌
Thanks for this @wil.metcalfe! I just merged in the changes that were suggested here so it should start propagating out over the next hour. Let's hope I didn't ruin anything in the process! :)
Very hands on! Are you the one implimenting the Sport Talk front end then @patrickulrich?
It's mainly just a fork of the main condenser. Hive Engine handles most all of the code. There's just a few configurations that I update from time to time.
That's a pretty good arrangement @patrickulrich! Hive Engine has a pretty good team. I have been looking into them a little.
Yeah they've been great in some aspects and left me hanging in others. I don't know how I'd rate them at this point.
Thank you for the honest feedback. I'm glad H-E has given us options here on Hive... That being said, however, I know what your eluding to.
On my end... I wish they had switched tokens from S-E to H-E automatically... However they didn't do that. So I have paid twice for the tokens I currently am implementing. I think that this should be at least noted on their part...
I hope that H-E values our dedication to their project. Yes. They provide a very important service... But, like you, I can see room for improvement.
#handball should be a good tag to be added
That's perfect! I'll make sure it's added on.
I just merged in a change to have #handball listed under the #sports section. It should start showing in the next few minutes.
Want to see Kabaddi added to the list . It is popular in South Asia .
I just merged in a change to add #kabaddi under the #sports section. It should start showing after the change has a chance to propagate on the network.
Good initiative letting more people know what sportstalk is like and what it has a potential of achieving.
I'll be glad to get more into football and wrestling, as those are one of the sport activities I do watch often as a child
That's awesome @marvinix! If you find anything not covered in any of the football or wrestling leagues send me a note and I'll get them added for you.
Thank you for that !
ligue1 could be added under football->leagueplay.
In a similar way we already have premierleague and laliga
I just merged in the change to add #ligue1 under #leagueplay. It should start showing in the next hour or so. If you get a chance let me know if I forgot anyone or if there may be a better tag for existing content on a team.
Thanks a lot !
Working fine, could find it on the main menu and it's proposed in the tags when I try to write a post.
I'll come with a comprehensive list soon :)
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Please explain the above better.
It'll be easier to show when it pops up. If you look on the sidebar right now #actifit is one of our top layered tags so it shows up on the sidebar by itself. Now there will be a #tribes tag and with a subsection for all kinds of different tribes including #actifit. It's nothing to change what gets posted just how the menu tag system looks and where suggestive tags show up.
Badminton is not included yet 😁
It is now! :P I just added it under #sports so it should propagate in the next few.
Most of Sportstalkers love to write about #football. So did I.
#football is definitely our most popular sport by far! It'd be cool to break down tag metrics sometime to show the different interests.
I think the initiative is nice and the fact that actifit will be dropped will make the site less rowdy.
It won't drop #actifit from being a part of the tribe. It will just change the way they show on the menu and drop them down from a top level tag. That being said if you view tags by each sport you'll filter out a ton of #actifit posts to be more specific to what you're looking at.
Now I understand..thanks for the clarification