Definitely I strongly agreed with the Norway international on this ,mere looking at his current form and how profilic he is at the front of goal,I totally agree with him that he can break and set another record.
Cristiano Ronaldo on the other hand lead the table after playing in England for Manches united ,Spain for Realmadrid and Italy for Juventus,and he as managed to find the back of the net 135 times so far , followed closely by Barcelona ace Messi and Bayern Munich Robert lewandoski on 120 and 78 goals respectively in the competition.
The Dortmund 21 year's Old striker who as find the back of the net 20 times in the champions league so far with only fourteen appearance to his name,is actually giving himself a big boost and to me I totally agree with him that he if keeps on playing at the big stage ,he as the tendency to break the chart.
For me everything is on the young man side and it won't be a surprise for me to see him break this record,after been the first young player to achieve that figure of goals In the champions league too