How much do football clubs make from Jersey sales

in Sports Talk Social4 years ago

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Football is a big business and we have so many football clubs who make money in various ways....and one of the ways they earn money is via sales or jersey.....

The amount that football clubs do actually make from shirt sales do actually varies from club to club and it is actually based on some several factors which includes how many number of shirts are actually sold and also the commission rate they have really negotiated with the providers they are using....


Well the fact is that Even the biggest clubs that exist in the world do actually receive some relatively small percentage of all the actual revenue which were generated from the jersey sales - ...

The percentage is usually around seven percentage - if they are actually lucky they could get 15 percentage from the deal......

Though honestly There are actually some exceptions, one of them includes the Liverpool's new five-year deal with Nike which is worth £150 million and it is said that they will get 20% commission from that deal which is mouth watering....

So in this Liverpool's case, let us just actually imagine that up to one million jerseys were actually sold in the 2020 to 2021 season at a selling cost of £80 each. ...then that means that Twenty percentage of £80 is going to become £16, and that means that Liverpool FC would actually make up to £16 million from those jersey sales and that Is a good deal....

That shows that alot of money can be made from Jersey sales if been managed well and if they get a good deal but the reality is that not all clubs do make cool mone via jersey sales but they can make money off it via smart strategies .....

Well According to the data by, they confirmed that Manchester United were actually the best-selling football club that sold the highest number of jerseys in 2018-2019.....