Soccer is an occult science, an empiricism, impossible to be taught academically.

in Sports Talk Social2 years ago

These could be the stages that accredit the man who comes closest to wisdom in football, perhaps the true one, but always impossible to prove:

1.- Choose the good players within the contingent of thousands of applicants.

2.- Assign them to the most appropriate positions for the conditions with which they were born and nobody can give.

3.- Induce them not to try to do what they don't know, or the least they can do within what they were born knowing how to do.

4.- Let those players, thus selected, thus located and thus advised... do from then on what seems best to them. Let them play. With encouragement and a recreational sense for themselves, as a greater guarantee of recreation for those who see them, either with a desire for material victory, or with an idea of beauty of an art where the greatest seduction —and its greatest concern, the goal— will be guaranteed to the extent of the spontaneous creation, almost always irrational, of those players. Let them play. In the certainty that everyone wants to win, nobody likes to lose. The goal is much more the son of the game than of the shot.

The task, as noted, does not include any stage of specific teaching of anything new within the collection of natural resources, or to acquire, the same player.

It only includes a third stage of corrections, more precisely, recommendations in which much more than adding, the coach takes away from the player.

In football you can relatively transmit some idea. It is impossible to move a resource.

There are many of us who are in possession of the best ideas for playing football.

Few of us coordinate these ideas with the ability to make the ball an instrument docile to our legs, to our reflexes on all the muscle mass that has to defend and protect it by running badly athletically to run well in football; and those few who are born with the hybrid gift of soccer in their instinct... are clumsy in the art of exposing in the form of ideas what they know how to masterfully do with their feet. Most of them prefer to show what they know... playing and not talking. Because if they try the second... it could even be assumed that they don't know how to play. Like in most of those cases, no one knows why they know what they know.

That is why we say that soccer is an occult science, an empiricism, impossible to be taught academically, saying this with full understanding of how presumptuous and even offensive to the occult sciences, as aurally, the location of a sport among them could seem.

Source initial image: Unsplash.
Source final image: Unsplash.

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