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RE: SportsTalkSocial: A Little Light at the End of the Tunnel?

in Sports Talk Social5 months ago

Do we want to continue as we are (aimless), or would we prefer to create centralized community management and still try to improve things?

'Try to improve things' is pretty meaningless term, so I'll vote when you outline some plan. What do you want to achieve and how.


I know that is necessary to have a roadmap explaning what we as community what to do but currentlyy I am trying to have some possible way to not let community die.

After we have the accounts control we will define a roadmap with goals.

That doesn't convince me - give me keys to your house, I'll improve it, but will tell you later how...

I really understand your point of view.
However, currently anything is done in the community, not even the most basic thing that is curation.

In this post you can see a draft of the initial plan.

All feedback is welcome.

Do we want to continue as we are (aimless), or would we prefer to create centralized community management and still try to improve things?

Let's try to prove this blockchain can do something right about governance long term... I believe it's possible.

All it needs is people's will... aside from that hunger for profits...
And with history, I know some will care!

So, aimless or not, let's propose someone to lead... whom'ever wants to, be voted by the community and then pass responsibilities. This does not need any blockchain tech, just interested people, some time and then validation of consensus.

I can be the people that will be responsible to keep the community accounts ownership at least until we have decided which community users will take control

There is also the possibility of multi-sig... and I would be up for it if that would bring more governance value. But we need to discuss that if people would be interested.

I think the step of multi-sig needs to be very discussed because if people go away from Hive I can return a state like we have today.