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RE: Sporting memories: That time where my martial arts training came in handy

Unless it is sanctioned and in a ring I totally agree with you about "nobody ever wins a fight."

I have been in fights maybe 12 times in my life: 3 of them were in a ring with rules and a referee. Outside of the ring, I lost of a few of them but "won" most. I didn't feel like a winner though and years later I actually feel terrible about hurting another human. I reached out to a few of them and apologized profusely because it haunted me man..... maybe because I'm not a psychopath. They afflicted said it wasn't a big deal and I hope that they meant that. I would hate to think that I was even partially responsible for a downfall in someone else's life.


I have some people like that who I teased in school. It was all part of the pecking order back then, but it never makes it okay. It's amazing the clarity you can have as you get older.